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The Widow starring Kate Beckinsale – Five of the biggest moments from episode one, plus ALL of the unanswered questions

THE Widow has already got viewers hooked after one episode. The show kicked off tonight (April 8, 2019) on ITV – and here’s what happened. 1) The children soldiers The show kicks off with two African children – Adidja and Molisho, in Namoya, the Congo. As Adidja ascends a tree, she remarks that she can […]

THE Widow has already got viewers hooked after one episode.

The show kicked off tonight (April 8, 2019) on ITV – and here’s what happened.

The Widow has kicked off on ITV
Two Brothers Pictures - Photos by Coco Van Oppens

1) The children soldiers

The show kicks off with two African children – Adidja and Molisho, in Namoya, the Congo.

As Adidja ascends a tree, she remarks that she can see the entire world.

It turns out these two kids are in fact children soldiers.

Later on the episode, they are involved in taking over a local school as part of rebellion with older soldiers.

We met the children soldiers
Two Brothers Pictures - Photos by Coco Van Oppens

2) Georgia thinks she spots her ‘dead’ husband on TV

The show starts with Georgia and her husband blissfully happy.

She is dropping him at the airport so he can go on a mission overseas.

As he walks through the airport he calls her to say he had left her a present in the glove compartment of her car – which are gloves with a ring inside.

We learn that Will then dies in a plane crash in the Congo, on his way home to see Georgia.

The show then forwards to real life three years later and sees Georgia in hospital being treated for a badly cut leg, as she goes to leave she sees what appears to be her dead husband on the TV, in a video about unrest in the Congo.

She drops everything in search of answers.

Georgia’s husband Will was meant to have died in a plane crash three years ago – but is he alive?
Two Brothers Pictures - Photos by Coco Van Oppens

3) Georgia goes to the Congo

Georgia then travels to Africa to investigate the disappearance of her husband Will.

We see her meet up with her friend Emmanuel, who lost his wife in the crash.

She goes to stay with her friend Judith, who appears to be hiding information from Georgia.

The show then goes between the past and present day, as we see what happened in the hours after the crash and Will’s disappearance.

Georgia meets up with her friend Emmanuel to find out what happened to Will
Two Brothers Pictures - Photos by Coco Van Oppens

4) We meet ‘Hennie Bothan’?

During her time in the Congo, we see in a flashback that when Georgia met Emmanuel she also met a man called Hennie, who claimed that his brother was also on Georgia’s husband’s doomed flight.

But he turns out not to be who he says he is.

In new footage from what appears to be Will in present day – Hennie is seen in the video holding a gun to his head.

It also turns out that his brother was NOT on the plane that crashed.

Later we see him with the warlords and his real name is Peter.

He is meeting with a man who is in charge of the children soldiers we met earlier.

When Molisho asks about him, Adidja says the man is none of their business. Peter is meeting with a man named Djamba over what is obviously some illegal dealings as he hands him a large amount of cash.

Shortly after this, we learn that someone’s ominously rented a car for Georgia. As a callback to the earlier scene when Will left some gloves in the glovebox for Georgia, there are gloves again placed there with a note simply reading, “GO HOME”.

Who really is Hennie? What does he know about Will’s death?
Two Brothers Pictures - Photos by Coco Van Oppens

5) Ariel and Beatrix

During the show, and away from the on-going story, we meet two blind people – Ariel Helgason and Beatrix.

They are awaiting a “miracle” procedure to regain eyesight in Switzerland.

After chatting in the waiting room, they agree to have a drink together.

During their drink they discuss how they each lost their sight.

While Beatrix became blind when she was 14, Ariel says he lost his sight in a plane crash in the Congo, of which he was the only survivor.

We meet Ariel and Beatrix
Charles Best

Questions left unanswered from episode one of The Widow

1) Who is Hennie Botha AKA Mr Tequila?

This is the BIG question as he is not who he says he is. He is friends with the warlords and also was seen kidnapping Will at gunpoint in the recent footage of him.

A bartender who called him “Mr Tequila” claimed his real name was Peter Bello.

2) What does Judith know?

During the show Judith is at her office talking to a colleague who asks her why Georgia is visiting and she explains about the footage which Georgia believes to prove Will is alive.

He then says: “I guess he had a reason to fake his own death.”

Judith then replies: “Which Georgia doesn’t know about.”

3) Did Ariel survive Will’s plane crash?

Ariel revealed to Beatrix he lost his sight when he was the only survivor of a plane crash in the Congo – was this the same flight that Will went missing on? If this is the case, he could be the key to what happened to Will.

Is Judith hiding something from Georgia
Two Brothers Pictures - Photos by Coco Van Oppens

When is The Widow on TV?

The Widow continues tomorrow (April 9, 2019) at 9pm.

It will run on Monday and Tuesday thereafter for eight episodes.

Once the show has aired you will be able to watch it on the ITV Hub.






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