Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh Wednesday said a sum of Rs 1,500 crore would be spent on improving rural and urban infrastructure in the state.
Making the announcement during pre-budget consultations with his party MLAs from the Majha region, along with the top brass of his government, the chief minister assured the elected representatives that the paucity of funds would not be allowed to come in the way of development in both the rural and urban sectors.
The chief minister said that out of the Rs 1,500 crore, Rs 1,000 crore would be spent on improving rural infrastructure while Rs 500 crore would be used for urban infrastructure, to ensure the best civic amenities to the residents.
The pre-budget meeting to elicit the views of MLAs from Majha region on budget proposals to ensure holistic development of their respective assembly segments was held here, according to an official spokesperson.
The state government has chalked outa four-phased programme of consultations with ...