Senior Congress leader and in-charge of the party's Uttar Pradesh affairs Ghulam Nabi Azad on Wednesday said that while the party prepares to fight in all 80 Lok Sabha seats in the state, it may leave out some seats from contesting."We may leave out some places, but we will prepare for all 80 seats. It is possible four or five are left out," he told media here.Azad, the Leader of Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, also dismissed the possibility of a tie-up with any political party for the General elections. "No, we are not discussing (a tie-up) with anyone," Azad said."We will wrap up the (strategy) meetings for all the districts in the state today. Preparations are underway in full swing. There is the possibility of give and take in a few seats, but we are preparing for all seats," Azad said.When asked to comment on the decision by SP-BSP alliance not to contest from Amethi and Rae Bareli, two traditional Congress strongholds, Azad said: "They haven't contested from those seats in ...