The power play between the ruling Congress-JDS coalition and BJP in Karnataka continued Wednesday, as the two sides escalated their war of words and went into an overdrive to keep their flock together.
The Congress and JDS continued to present a picture of confidence about the brewing crisis blowing over, with Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy saying things were "under control" and there was no reason for worry.
As the ruling partners unleashed a scathing attack on the BJP for allegedly trying to topple the government, the saffron party MLAs continued to be ensconced at a resort in Gurugram, fearing poaching attempts.
According to Congress sources, a few ministers from the party have even offered to step down in the larger interest and to keep the coalition intact. The party leadership is also looking into the option, they added.
It was not known how long the 104 BJP MLAs, who went to New Delhi to attend the party's national council meeting but extended their stay, would ...