Banned Indian cricketer S Sreesanth on Monday chided Hardik Pandya and KL Rahul for their misogynist comments on 'Koffee with Karan' talk show, but also said that the team needs the "match-winner" duo for the upcoming ICC World Cup 2019."I will only say that whatever happened was very bad, but the World Cup is around the corner. Hardik Pandya and KL Rahul should not have uttered the words, but they are needed for the Indian team in the World Cup because they are both match winners," Sreesanth told ANI.The 35-year-old, who was found guilty of spot-fixing in the 2013 Indian Premier League (IPL) and banned for life by the Board of Control for Cricket in India's (BCCI) disciplinary committee, is waiting for his ban to be lifted.When asked what he will do when his ban would be lifted, the right-arm pacer said: "I would start with playing first-class cricket and try my hands at getting into the Indian team if I am good enough. If not, I would say goodbye to my cricket dream."Sreesanth, who .