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Gary Lineker lands first job since Match of the Day exit in shock new role alongside former England captain

GARY LINEKER has landed his first job since announcing his Match of the Day exit.

The legendary England striker, 63, revealed earlier this month he will leave the iconic BBC programme at the end of the season after 25 years as host.

Gary Lineker appeared in the Baller League UK and USA video
Lineker, left, will leave his role as Match of the Day host at the end of the season
Lineker, Shearer and Richards will all coach teams in the Baller League – which is set to begin in March
Richards hilariously rips his trousers in the trailer

And just two weeks later his newest project has been unveiled as he prepares to get involved in Baller League UK.

The football tournament was launched in Germany earlier this year and includes the likes of Mats Hummels and Lukasz Podolski.

The league is made up of 12 teams consisting of six players on each side, with weekly matches taking place indoors across two 15-minute halves.

Now the trailer announcing UK and US versions has been released on social media – with a plethora of star-studded names involved.

The trailer, set in an airport, features a mix of YouTubers and ex-footballers.

Lineker is joined by Match of the Day pundits Alan Shearer and Micah Richards for his segment of the video.

Lineker and Shearer are left in hysterics as Richards swan dives onto the floor and rips his trousers while heading a ball.

The BBC presenter then says: “Talk about bursting on the seam!,” a play-on words on Richards’ famous “bursting onto the scene” quote.


Chelsea legend and ex-England captain John Terry will also be a team manager
He wore full kit in the video – a nod to him doing so after the 2012 Champions League final
Baller League
Arsenal’s Invincibles (L-R) Freddie Ljunberg, Robert Pires and Jens Lehmann are three more of the coaches
Real Madrid icon Luis Figo will also be a manager
Barcelona and Brazil icon Ronaldinho appeared at the end of the video

Lineker has been named a team manager in the league – with a host of former players joining him to head up rival sides.

Shearer and Richards have also been confirmed as head coaches, along with Chelsea legend and ex-England captain John Terry – who replicates his 2012 Champions League final antics by appearing in the video in full kit.

Arsenal Invincibles trio Jens Lehmann, Robert Pires and Freddie Ljunberg will also be coaches, as will ex-Real Madrid superstar Luis Figo.

Ronaldinho is also seen at the end of the clip as he smiles on a plane in a scene with IShowSpeed – who will be the Baller League USA president.

It is unclear what Ronaldinho’s involvement will be.

KSI has been announced as the president of Baller League UK.

It is set to get underway in March next year and finish in May – with coverage being hosted by Chunkz on Twitch.

Rule changes will also take place during certain matches – including 3 vs 3 games, goals scored from the back two thirds of the pitch counting for double, and one-on-one match-ups starting behind the halfway line.

Trials for players hoping to take part in the league will be staged in London and Manchester.

They will include free agents, futsal players, academy youngsters, street ballers, and retired pros.

KSI said: “I have high hopes for what this league can bring to the sport. 

“We’re bringing a different style to football, a different energy to the normal and showing a different level of entertainment to the sport.

“Very exciting times ahead!”

Internet superstar KSI will be the president of the Baller League UK
IShowSpeed will be the president of the Baller League USA

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