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Raiders injuries: Kwiatkoski back to practice, but key players likely out vs. Bills

Raiders injuries: Kwiatkoski back to practice, but key players likely out vs. Bills

Linebacker Nick Kwiatkoski was back at practice Wednesday, but many other key players weren't able to go with Buffalo up next.

Nick Kwiatkoski returned to practice.

Who said there was no good news where the Raiders’ and injuries are conerned?

The Raiders didn’t do much Wednesday in preparation for their Week 4 game against the Buffalo Bills at Allegiant Stadium, but the first-strike during free agency was back on the field at at middle linebacker for the first time since a pectoral injury sustained in the opener after 22 snaps against Carolina.

“I can’t really give you any breaking news other than Kwiatkoski returned to practice today,” coach Jon Gruden said during his Zoom teleconference. “We didn’t do a lot physically, but he was back on the field.”

The bad news is that six players, including the rookie trio of cornerback Damon Arnette (thumb) and wide receivers Bryan Edwards (foot/ankle) and Henry Ruggs (knee/hamstring) weren’t up for a light practice. Also not practicing was tackle Trent Brown (calf), wide receiver Rico Gafford (hamstring) and defensive tackle Daniel Ross (foot).

A rundown of what’s gong on with each player:

Arnette: There was no move made to put Arnette on injured reserve as a team source said was possible Tuesday. Arnette went in to the game with the injury and made it worse against New England. He isn’t expected to face Buffalo, with Nevin Lawson the likely starter opposite Trayvon Mullen.

Edwards: The most physical of the Raiders’ wideouts, Edwards won’t face Buffalo, according to an NFL Network report.

Ruggs: Hamstrings and sprinters are always tricky, and NFL Network reported the Raiders considered him doubtful to face the Bills.

Brown: Lost three plays into the opener with a calf injury, Brown hasn’t been seen since, giving way to Denzelle Good in the opener after Sam Young was injured. Given the Raiders didn’t place Brown on injured reserve, the hope was he’d be ready to face Buffalo. If Brown can’t practice Thursday, he’s probably out another week.

Gafford: A surprise addition to the injury list, Gafford is the second fastest receiver behind Ruggs and can also play on special teams.

Ross: Active for the first time against New England, Ross got the nod ahead of Kendal Vickers and played 21 snaps with three tackles.

Aside from Kwiatkoski, players who were limited at practice were safety Johnathan Abram (shoulder/thumb), linebacker Cory Littleton (knee) and tackle Sam Young (groin).

The walking and limping wounded is a problem, but quarterback Derek Carr doesn’t plan on agonizing over who will and won’t play.

“It doesn’t really matter, right,” Carr said. “Nobody cares about the injuries. They just see the loss. We’ve just got to play.”

Carr is convinced Gruden will have a plan regardless of who’s on the field. The depleted corps of receivers will get considerable work from Nelson Agholor and Zay Jones and could end up calling up someone from the practice squad which includes Keelan Doss, Robert Davis and De’Mornay Pierson-El, who returned to the team Wednesday.

“He has more contingency plans than anyone I’ve ever met in my life,” Carr said. “He’s always ready. He’s ready for all scenarios, all situations.”

Gruden conceded going without Ruggs and Edwards was far from optimal.

“They’re our starters. So it does affect you emotionally. You get a little depressed,” Gruden said. “You’re not as happy as you would be, but if it’s another player, so be it. We have a lot of confidence in Agholor.”

Opening Allegiant

Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak has approved gatherings of up to 10 percent at Allegiant Stadium for UNLV football. There are no indications the Raiders will follow suit. Owner Mark Davis said early on the Raiders would go without fans rather than have to pick and choose which season ticket holders get in while others are left out.

“I’m just going to stick to coaching football,” Gruden said. “I’m talking a lot about masks and protocols. I’m going to let Mark Davis and the governor handle all that.”

Mariota returns

Quarterback Marcus Mariota returned to practice Wednesday starting a 21-day clock on his return to the 53-man roster. If Mariota isn’t back within that time period, then he must go on injured reserve for the rest of the season.

Mariota was lost to a pectoral injury near the end of training camp. Mariota has currently has a roster exemption. Quarterback DeShone Kiser, who has been the scout team quarteraback with Nathan Peterman as the backup, was released from the practice squad.

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