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Investec Derby: Frankie Dettori on his rides at Epsom and Sandown on a blockbuster weekend

AFTER living here for over 30 years I’d like to think my English is now pretty good. And today I hope my English will be good enough to give me a fantastic third win in the biggest race in the world, the Derby. English King is the favourite to win — and, after what I […]

AFTER living here for over 30 years I’d like to think my English is now pretty good.

And today I hope my English will be good enough to give me a fantastic third win in the biggest race in the world, the Derby.

The Sporting Index ambassador delivered one of his famous flying dismounts after the Gold Cup
The Sporting Index ambassador is chasing a third Derby win

English King is the favourite to win — and, after what I saw him do in the Lingfield Derby Trial, deservedly so. I count myself very lucky to be riding him.

Tom Marquand is a super young jockey. He did everything right on him at Lingfield and I’m sure he will have a great spin on Khalifa Sat today and I wish him very well.

I have had some great days with English King’s owner Bjorn Nielsen on Stradivarius and that connection definitely played a part in me picking up this ride today.

It’s one thing getting the ride but it’s another thing going out there and winning the race though.

That said, I am paid to do the business and handle the pressure. And believe you me I will be feeling it come teatime this afternoon.

After all, this is the Derby, this is Epsom. It’s the toughest and most unique test in racing anywhere in the world. And I’m on the favourite.

There is pressure, especially after we were drawn in stall one. No horse this century has managed to win a Derby from stall one.

Kieren Fallon was the last jockey to do in 1999 on Oath. I rode the 5-1 favourite that day — Dubai Millennium — and we finished ninth. It was a superb ride by Kieren. Maybe I’ll take a quick look at how he did it.

It took me another eight years before I won my first Derby on Authorized and another eight years after that to win on Golden Horn.

Epsom is a tactical and mental challenge for a jockey and the ultimate physical test for a Flat horse. The contours and undulations of the track, the climb from the start and then running downhill with the camber before more of the same up the home straight.

It’s very hard but I have ridden round Epsom more than any other jockey riding today. I love the place.

Being drawn in stall one is certainly not ideal and it might be best to miss the kick slightly and then work into a position from there.

Of course I will talk to English King’s trainer Ed Walker before the race — but I am being paid to  win the biggest races. That’s my job. Tactically I’ll probably only decide how to ride it when the stalls ping.

However the important thing will be not to use up too much horse trying to get a position going up the hill. It’s a great game played slow while keeping your wits about you. and keeping him nicely balanced.

I went to see English King last Wednesday and loved his character.

He’s a very nice type who is light on his feet. You only have to look back at Lingfield to see the ability he has. He won that trial very convincingly and you can see why he’s favourite for the race.

Lingfield is as close as you can get to Epsom, so the fact he handled that track and won has to be a big positive.

He has seen out the distance well already so that’s a big tick. The only thing now is he’s taking on better horses.

I have Kameko down as our biggest threat. He was an impressive winner of the 2,000 Guineas and, although we’re favourite, Kameko sets the standard on form.

Will he stay a mile and a half? I don’t know, but he won the Guineas going away and won over a mile as a two-year-old so there is every chance he will see the trip out.

Then, of course, we have six from Ballydoyle and you can be sure at least one or two of them will mean business. Ryan is on Mogul while Seamie rides Russian Emperor. They look Aidan’s main pair.

Eclipse preview...

IT would be great to win tomorrow’s Eclipse on Enable — but she is being kept in training for one reason and one reason only . . . to become the first horse to win three Arcs.

And I am so happy she is still in training as her defeat in last year’s Arc still gives me nightmares. It was one of the worst days I have had in racing because there was just so much disappointment.

When we hit the front at Longchamp I thought history was about to be made but the ground took its toll and Waldgeist came from nowhere. That is in the past now but this is the year we can make up for it.

Enable is six now and tomorrow’s Eclipse will be her first run since the Arc so it will just be fantastic to be back out on the track with her.

The boss has got her as fit as he can and she did a nice piece of work in a racecourse gallop on the July course last week.

Of course Ghaiyyath was brilliant in the Coronation Cup and looks the real deal now he is a five-year-old. He also has a fitness edge on us.

Japan is another serious rival who has also had that run under his belt when he was fourth at Royal Ascot. Aidan O’Brien’s horses always come on for a run so he will be a threat.

However Enable is a classy lady and I love her. She is the world’s favourite horse. To have one more year with my special girl is amazing. I’m buzzing.

Of course by the time I ride in the Derby I’m hoping to have one Classic in the bag already as I ride Frankly Darling (3.40) in the Oaks. On paper it looks a match between us and Love who won the 1,000 Guineas by four lengths.

She has every right to be favourite after that performance but today will be the first time she will have run beyond a mile whereas Frankly Darling is  tried and tested over today’s mile and a half.

My filly’s win in the Ribblesdale was  impressive. It was always the plan to run her at Ascot to get another race under her belt before Epsom. She passed that test with flying colours and will have learnt a lot from it too.

The only question left is the track, but she’s got a good cruising speed which you need for Epsom so hopefully she handles it.

Tactically, it will be an intriguing race. Don’t tell Ryan but maybe we will kick for home early to really get to the bottom of Love’s stamina. Then again, we may not!

After all you have to keep the other jockeys guessing, especially on a day like today.


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