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Conor McGregor’s glamorous sisters and their lavish lifestyles, including pool parties and Rolex watches

CONOR McGREGOR may have racked up £100million from his career according to Forbes, but he isn’t the only one in his family who enjoys some of the finer things in life.

His two sisters, Erin and Aoife, boast 144,000 Instagram followers between them and have been busy sharing glitzy snaps of their glamorous lifestyles.


Erin McGregor appears to be no stranger to the high life
Erin McGregor appears to be no stranger to the high life[/caption]

Aoife with Erin, who share a close bond with Conor
Aoife with Erin, who share a close bond with Conor[/caption]

Aoife shares a snap of her on a luxurious cruise
Aoife shares a snap of her on a luxurious cruise[/caption]

Tony McGregor, with Margaret, Erin and Aoife, all at ringside to cheer Conor on
Tony McGregor, with Margaret, Erin and Aoife, all at ringside to cheer Conor on

Rolex watches, pool parties, expensive handbags and champagne feature regularly in their photos.

Erin, who appeared on Dancing with the Stars on Irish TV and starred in panto last Christmas, used to work as a hairdresser and played a big role in shaping Conor’s look.

The 39-year-old told The Sunday World: “Everyone loves Conor’s hair and so many men want it.

“It’s so funny. It’s great to be able to express my creativity through him.

“Conor is very stylish, always has been.

“It runs in our family.”

Erin says her brother has been a huge inspiration to her, and that they’ve supported each other through tough times.

Erin McGregor and Ryan McShane on RTE’s Dancing with the Stars
Kyran O'Brien

Erin McGregor lost out in the semi-finals in 2018
Free for editorial use

Both sisters say that they are incredibly close to Conor, and all support each other in their careers
Both sisters say that they are incredibly close to Conor, and all support each other in their careers[/caption]

She added: “Whenever I was low Conor was on the other end of the phone. I remember him saying: ‘No-one realises what it’s like until they’ve done it themselves.’

“We forged this mutual respect that I suppose we never had before.”

Aoife is also a huge supporter of her brother.

The 34-year-old works for a mini digger hire company in Dublin, but puts work on hold when a big fight is coming up.

She has plans to launch her own fashion and beauty brand.

Aoife revealed: “I’m not going to say what it is but I am bringing out my own collection.

“Two different collections under my name. The plan for the future is world domination. I want to do Ireland and the world.”

The sisters even flew to Vegas to watch the fight on a private jet
The sisters even flew to Vegas to watch the fight on a private jet[/caption]

Erin, right, is no stranger to splashing the cash during a shopping trip
Erin, right, is no stranger to splashing the cash during a shopping trip[/caption]

Champagne appears to feature heavily in Erin's nights out
Champagne appears to feature heavily in Erin’s nights out[/caption]

Erin, the glamorous sister of Conor, works as a hairdresser
Erin, the glamorous sister of Conor, used to work as a hairdresser[/caption]

Aoife, who is married to partner Mark Elliot, is used to rubbing shoulders with the stars at her brother’s fights, but she insists she is determined to remain grounded.

Speaking about meeting celebrities, she said: “We are there to support Conor.

“That’s the only time we get to see all these celebs is at these fights. So I don’t even notice them.”

The determined businesswoman has hit back at trolls who have criticised her extravagant lifestyle in the wake of her brother's success
The determined businesswoman has hit back at trolls who have criticised her extravagant lifestyle in the wake of her brother’s success

Pictured on a private jet, Aoife told how her brother’s 'amazing self-belief' is the driving force behind her ambitious plans
Pictured on a private jet, Aoife told how her brother’s ‘amazing self-belief’ is the driving force behind her ambitious plans
Aoife Mcgregor : Instagram

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