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From too much sex to sleeping on wrong side, expert reveals 10 reasons you’re struggling to nod off at night

YOU’VE put your worries to bed, set the phone aside and snuggled up under those warm sheets – so why are you struggling to sleep?

According to a new study, on average we are each losing a whopping 30 days of sleep each year.

A typical person gets six hours of sleep a night compared with the eight hours the NHS recommends[/caption]

The typical person gets about six hours of kip a night compared with the eight hours recommended by the NHS.

The survey, commissioned by an app called Lingo, found that nine in ten of us are permanently tired, with 45 to 59-year-olds suffering from the most unsettled nights.

So what could be affecting our shut-eye?

Here, doctor and sleep specialist Noreen Nguru reveals ten bedtime activities which many of us are doing wrong.

READING BEFORE BED: People say reading at night will relax you, but research shows that if you read an emotionally draining story, this can affect your sleep.

The emotions of a good book can stop you sleeping[/caption]

“It’s the same with the types of shows you’re watching, too,” she reveals.

“Anything that elevates your heart rate and stress hormones – even a passionate discussion – can make it tough to fall asleep.”

USING THE WRONG TOOTHPASTE: The chances are, you’ve never thought about the toothpaste you use before bed.

Strong mint can keep you awake at night[/caption]

But strong mint-based products stimulate the brain and can keep you awake at night.

“We know strong tastes can keep us awake – a spicy curry lingering on your tongue, for example,” says Dr Nguru.

“Mint promotes alertness, and chewing gum can make your brain associate it with staying awake, not winding down.”

SLEEPING ON YOUR RIGHT: If some mornings feel like a challenge, you’re probably sleeping on your right-hand side.

Left side sleepers sleep better[/caption]

In a recent poll, 32 per cent of right-side sleepers said they woke exhausted, compared to 27 per cent who sleep on the left.

“Your stomach is on your left side so if you sleep on your right, you increase your risk of acid reflux,” Dr Nguru reveals.

“A common symptom is coughing.”

HAVING THE ROOM TOO QUIET: When issues such as rowdy neighbours and noisy pets are put to bed, your bedroom could be just a bit too quiet.

Your bedroom could be too quiet to sleep in[/caption]

You’ll hear even the tiniest noise.

“Even the smallest movement can pull us from sleep, especially light sleepers,” says Dr Nguru.

“If your house is eerily silent, play a continuous sound like white noise or rainfall. It’ll mask the sound of your neighbour’s loo flushing.”

HAVING TOO MUCH SEX: It’s important to get intimate with your partner, but ­having lots of sex before bed increases your body temperature and can make you too hot to sleep.

Sex before bed can stop you falling asleep at night[/caption]

“I’m not saying don’t cuddle your partner, but avoid draping yourselves over each other when you’re ready for bed,” advises Noreen.

“You should be lowering your body temperature and keeping the bedroom cool before sleep. Vigorous exercise won’t help.”

NOT DRINKING TEA: Many people believe any amount of caffeine will keep you awake all night, but a 2020 study found that tea fans in Northern Ireland had 7.9 cups a day and slept for around 6.76 hours a night.

Drinking tea could get help you sleep tight[/caption]

Those in the South West drank 4.2 cups but only slept for 6.55 hours.

So actually, drinking tea won’t stop you from sleeping – it contains properties which reduce stress.

However, tea should be drunk a few hours before bed to reduce the effects of caffeine when you hit the pillow.

Dr Noreen said green tea is even more conducive to a good night’s sleep.

“Green tea has a much lower caffeine content and has been linked with a more restful night’s sleep,” says Dr Noreen.

“It contains theanine, which is proven to reduce stress-related hormones.”

WEAR A SLEEP TRACKER: Smart watches are a handy part of waking life, but using them to analyse your shut-eye at night can make you obsess over the quality of your sleep and even cause insomnia.

Tracking your kip can answer some questions[/caption]

“There’s a fine line between ensuring good sleep hygiene and obsessing about it. Using a sleep tracker can create a negative association with poor sleep and may even cause insomnia.”

TV ON STANDBY MODE: Even the tiniest standby light or frequent flashing – from your idle Alexa to charging laptops – can stimulate the brain and cause unwanted awakenings throughout the night.

Turn your TV off completely before bed[/caption]

“Even if you’re in a deep sleep, your brain can pick up on little lights and disrupt rest,” she explains.

“Keep tech out of the bedroom and go back to an analogue clock that won’t flash all night long.”

LISTEN TO SLEEP STORIES: Many adults say bedtime tales help them drop off, but they don’t work for everyone.

Many adults turn to sleep stories to put them under[/caption]

If you’re in the habit of not sleeping, you may become anxious that you’re still awake when the story has finished and unwittingly teach your brain to fight fatigue.

“By listening to sleep stories you’re training your brain to expect entertainment and you lose that connection between what’s sleep and what’s an activity,” she shares.

“Play them elsewhere in the house, then go to bed when you’re sleepy.”

TURNING THE LIGHTS OFF: Feeling frightened after lights-out is a lot more common than you think.

10million British adults are afraid of the dark[/caption]

It’s thought that 10million British adults are afraid of the dark – a phobia called nyctophobia, often carried through childhood .

“Worrying about going to bed and turning the lights off sparks a stress cycle in your brain. It can make you feel scared and stop you from shutting your eyes,” she explains.

“It’s difficult for people to sleep in even the lowest levels of light, so it’s a real struggle.”

Rather than plunging yourself into darkness and triggering a stress cycle, exposure therapy – starting with some light and gradually decreasing it – can help.

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