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Love Island star reveals major new presenting gig on Channel 4’s Naked Education

LOVE Island star Alex George has revealed he will co-host new Channel 4 show Naked Education.

The working doctor announced the news that he will be joining Anna Richardson and Yinka Bokinni on the show.

Channel 4
Naked Education will arrive on screens next week[/caption]
Channel 4
Anna Richardson of Naked Attraction is on board to co-host the show[/caption]

He wrote: “I am SO excited to finally be able to share that I am presenting the brand new Channel 4 series ‘Naked Education’ alongside the wonderful Anna Richardson and Yinka Bokinni. Don’t worry my clothes do remain on.

“When I say this series is going to get people talking, I mean it. It will have you laughing one minute and in tears the next. The show is all about body positivity and educating people on what ‘normal’ bodies actually look like. We talk about everything from the ageing body to [penis] size, answering the questions people are afraid to ask.

“My mission is to improve people’s mental health and body image/unrealistic expectations are a huge element of that so I couldn’t be prouder to be part of a show tackling exactly that.”

The show is being dubbed the ‘next Embarrassing Bodies‘.

The programme hopes to shine a light on different body types and normalise and champion parts of the body which are often kept hidden away.

Speaking about coming on board with the show, Yinka said: “I’m really excited to be a part of Naked Education and to start this challenge.

“I think that we have a long way to go when it comes to our perception of a ‘regular body’, and as somebody who often felt like my body didn’t fit in, I’m incredibly proud to offer my voice in this amazing new show.”

Anna also admitted she was keen to get stuck into the show and explore a new side to presenting naked bodies on TV as opposed to just for dating.

The TV presenter said: “Body positivity is something we would all like, but for some people it’s a lot harder than it sounds. We will help people overcome their fears and take back control of their bodies.

“This series is going address sensitive subjects that other programmes shy away from – it will be powerful, emotional and eye opening. It’s going to pack a naked punch that will have the whole nation talking.”

A synopsis for the brand new Channel 4 offering reveals a more in-depth look at the series and what viewers of the programme can expect to see.

It begins: “The series will allow people to ask the questions that they have been too nervous to ask and give others the space to bare all as they confront their fears and address sensitive subjects.

“From mastectomy scars and penis size to the ageing body and skin conditions, no subject matter is too big or too small.

“Each episode will feature people from all ages who will be able to share their experiences.

“With the support of our resident GP and some life models, a group of teenagers, who have been bombarded by ‘perfect’ Instagram bodies and explicit content, will be able to discuss and challenge their own perceptions of what they think is normal or beautiful and get answers to questions they have been afraid to ask.”

The show will also allow those with similar bodies and those who have gone through similar experiences to meet up and discuss the challenges that they have faced along the way.

It concludes: “The series will also feature candid conversations and naked exchanges between people who have undergone similar experiences and body transformations – such as reconstructive surgery and weight loss – and a group of naked body-positivity activists will travel the length and breadth of the country to spread their message and encourage people to join the ‘every body is beautiful’ brigade.”

Yinka Bokinni is excited to come on board with the programme[/caption]

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