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Prince Andrew ‘has to face 20 key questions’ on Epstein sex slave scandal, says former royal protection boss

PRINCE Andrew has to face 20 key questions on his relationships with Jeffrey Epstein and ‘sex slave’ Virginia Roberts, according to a former head of royal protection.

Dai Davies, who was in charge of guarding the Royals worldwide in the 1990s, said the Duke of York and his staff must offer to be questioned by the FBI as part of their investigation into the disgraced billionaire paedophile.

BBC Newsnight
Prince Andrew has strongly denied the allegations against him[/caption]

Former royal protection boss Dai Davies said the Prince has ‘many questions to answer’

Prince Andrew denies claims Epstein’s ‘sex slave’ Virginia Roberts was forced to have sex with him three times in London, New York and the US Virgin Islands in 2001.

Mr Davies said royal protection officers will have been guarding the Prince 24/7 and said: “Somebody must know whether this is true or not true.”

He told ITV’s This Morning: “If he is as honourable as he said twice in that programme, then do the honourable thing – go with a lawyer, go and be questioned and set the story straight.

“If you’ve got real alibis as to where you were and what you were doing, then bring them forward. He’s had years to prepare.

“I can go through at least 20 key areas I as a former police officer… I would want to drill down into. Do I believe him on most of them? No I don’t.”

Here are some of the questions Prince Andrew still needs to answer in the wake of his car-crash BBC Newsnight interview and Ms Roberts’ evidence during last night’s Panorama documentary.

What was the financial relationship between Prince Andrew and Epstein?

Mr Davies said one key area the FBI should investigate is any financial dealings between Prince Andrew and Epstein.

He said: “It would be very interesting whether the FBI are pursuing any issues regarding – Was he in debt to him? Was his ex-wife in debt?”

In 2011, the Telegraph reported Epstein paid Andrew’s ex-wife Sarah Ferguson’s personal assistant Johnny O’Sullivan £15,000 at the request of the Duke of York.

The payment reportedly allowed the Duchess of York to arrange a restructuring of her £5 million debts.

She later stated she regretted taking the money, saying: “I personally, on behalf of myself, deeply regret that Jeffrey Epstein became involved in any way with me.

“I can I will repay the money and will have nothing ever to do with Jeffrey Epstein ever again.”

What ‘specific questions’ did Prince Andrew ask Ghislaine Maxwell about Virginia Roberts?

Virginia Roberts has spoken of her allegations against Prince Andrew on BBC Panorama

Where are the diaries proving Prince Andrew’s innocence?

Mr Davies said as a senior member of the Royal Family, Andrew’s itinerary would have been written down by aides and protection officers.

He said: “I’m sure that some proof is there.

“You (must) start a proper investigation with experienced detectives who gather the foundation of any enquiry.”

“Irrespective of whether you’re a policeman or a courtier, whoever, if you’ve got material evidence then come forward to attorneys, the FBI or even Scotland Yard.”

Can royal protection officers account for his whereabouts?

Prince Andrew will have been guarded 24 hours a day by protection officers who Mr Davies said will have been aware of exactly when and where the Duke of York met Epstein.

He said: “He would have had 24/7 security, where he lived at that particular time will have been protected by a uniformed constabulary – Surrey Police I believe at that time in the late 90s and early 2000s.

“Accompanying him at that time will have been officers from SO14 royalty protection, they are very, very experienced officers and there are several hundred of them in total.

“So someone must know if this is true or not true and it’s quite a simple question to ask them, I would have thought.”

Did the Duke of York receive massages from Epstein’s trafficked victims?

As well as denying having sex with Virgina Roberts, Prince Andrew rejected claims he has ever received a massage while staying with Jeffrey Epstein.

The BBC Panorama documentary revealed Epstein recruited schoolgirls near his LA home to provide naked massages.

Virginia Roberts said she was initially interviewed by Epstein for a job as a masseuse before being groomed for sex.

A Newsnight interview last month heard how literary agent John Brockman has given a statement saying he saw Andrew getting a foot massage from two young Russian women in Epstein’s mansion.

Last night’s documentary added that a former housekeeper of Epstein said Prince Andrew would stay with the billionaire for ‘weeks at a time’ and receive ‘daily massages’ when he was there.

Did Prince Andrew witness Epstein’s abuse as five accusers are claiming?

Jae Donnelly
Prince Andrew had faced criticism over his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein[/caption]

Five more of Epstein’s victims say Prince Andrew witnessed the paedo’s sordid behaviour.

The Duke of York is facing calls to give evidence in court by the five other women. Panorama revealed he has been named in legal testimony for all their cases.

Pre-trial witness subpoenas have also been prepared, which could be served on the Queen’s son if he returns to the US. That would compel him to give evidence on what he saw while staying at Epstein’s home.

Lawyers representing the five women said Andrew could have important information about Epstein’s sex trafficking operation.

The legal team said they had written twice to the Prince requesting an interview but had not received a response from him.

He must come out and say why these women are making these claims and if there is any truth to them.

How close was he with Epstein after new unseen pictures show them together at Ascot races?

A never-before-seen picture shows Prince Andrew, Maxwell and Epstein at Ascot in 2000

Never before seen photos show the scandal-hit royal socialising with Maxwell and Epstein at Royal Ascot.

The unearthed photos were shown on BBC Panorama last night.

Wearing hats and formal attire the trio were seen laughing and smiling at the prestigious racing event in 2000. Epstein had been a guest at Windsor Castle and Sandringham in the same year.

Prince Andrew has previously claimed he and Epstein ‘weren’t close’ and didn’t spend much time together.

Last night’s documentary also revealed legal testimony from one of Epstein’s former housekeepers saying the Duke of York would stay at Epstein’s homes ‘for weeks at a time’ and receive ‘daily massages’.

These new photos have cast fresh doubt on the Duke’s claims and he must come clean on exactly how many times he saw the notorious sex offender and exactly how close he was with him.

Did the Duke of York visit Pizza Express? And how long for?

Prince Andrew claimed he couldn’t have been with Virginia Roberts on the night she claims they had sex as he took his daughter Beatrice to a party at Pizza Express in Woking that evening.

The royal said he remembered the event vividly as it was “unusual” for him to visit a Pizza Express. He added that he had stayed at home with his children for the rest of the evening.

No Pizza Express employees have yet spoken publicly about his claims but could be tracked down and spoken to if a police investigation was launched.

He also did not provide any timings as to when he returned home in the interview and if it would have given him time to head to Ghislaine Maxwell’s home in Belgravia.

Did Andrew attend Tramps nightclub with Virginia Roberts?

Virginia Roberts says the pair spent the evening dancing before she was told by Ms Maxwell that she had to have sex with Prince Andrew when they returned home.

Ms Roberts said last night: “Ghislaine tells me I have to do for Andrew what I do for Jeffrey and that made me sick.”

Prince Andrew denies having been at the club and said he couldn’t have drank alcohol with her as he didn’t know where the bar was in the venue.

But today, a lawyer representing other Epstein victims said a witness has come forward saying she saw the pair together on the night.

Lisa Bloom, a civil rights lawyer, said: “She saw Prince Andrew with Virginia, she remembers it vividly because she was told this is a member of the Royal Family and that was a very big thing to her.

“She was shocked and she saw Virginia there with him.”

Does the date on the back of the photo from that night now prove it wasn’t a fake?

The picture shows Virginia Roberts with Prince Andrew inside Ghislaine Maxwell’s home

A photo showing Prince Andrew with his arm around Virginia Roberts is a genuine picture and can be proved by a printed date on the back, according to the ‘sex slave’.

The Duke of York has previously claimed he has ‘no recollection’ of the photograph being taken at Ghislaine Maxwell’s Belgravia home in 2001.

Ms Roberts says the picture shows the pair together on the first floor of Ms Maxwell’s home on the night she was forced to have sex with him as a 17-year-old in 2001.

Legal papers reveal an ex-partner of Virginia told US officials he remembers being shown a copy of the picture just weeks after it was taken.

Ms Roberts told the programme that a date on the back of the photo shows it was printed on March 13, 2001 – just two days after it was taken.

She said: “It’s an authentic photo, I have given it to the FBI. There’s a date on the back of the it from when it was printed.

“The people on the inside are going to keep coming up with these ridiculous excuses.

“Like his arm was elongated or the photo was doctored, or he came to New York to break up with Jeffrey Epstein. I mean, come on, I’m calling BS on this, because that’s what it is.

“He knows what happened. I know what happened and there’s only one of us telling the truth, and I know that’s me.”

Friends of Prince Andrew have previously suggested the photo is a fake as his fingers are “chubbier” than those on the photograph.

The Duke of York told BBC Newsnight last month: “From the investigations that we’ve done, you can’t prove whether or not that photograph is faked or not because it is a photograph of a photograph of a photograph.”

Where was the picture taken and how did Andrew know it was upstairs?

Prince Andrew told BBC Newsnight he couldn’t have been in the picture of him with his arm round Virginia Roberts in Ghislaine Maxwell’s home.

He claimed the picture was taken on the first floor of the property but he had never been upstairs when visiting Maxwell.

The Prince must explain how he knows the picture was taken upstairs if he has never been there.

Did the Duke of York have a specific wardrobe for London events?

In the same interview, Prince Andrew claimed he doubted the authenticity of the photograph as he was dressed in clothes he would normally wear on foreign visits.

He added that he would always wear a tie when he is out in London.

An analysis of photographs at the time should be able to stand up this line of defence.

Did he have a medical condition causing him not to sweat?

Virginia Roberts has claimed Prince Andrew’s sweat ‘rained everywhere’ as they danced together in Tramp nightclub before having sex.

The Duke of York responded to the allegations by saying her account couldn’t be true, as he had a medical condition at the time which meant he couldn’t sweat.

The Prince told Newsnight he suffered an overdose of adrenaline after being shot at in the Falklands War which meant he couldn’t perspire.

But his claims appeared to be undermined by pictures from the early 2000s showing him with sweat under his armpits.

If it was a genuine medical condition, medical records should be able to back it up.

Rex Features
Pictures appear to show Prince Andrew sweating in the early 2000s[/caption]

Where did Prince Andrew stay in New York in 2001?

During his Newsnight interview, Prince Andrew said Virginia Roberts’ claims he had sex with her while staying at Epstein’s home in New York were not true.

He told the programme he had been staying in Boston on the night she claims they slept together and at the consul-general’s home in New York in the previous days.

He said: “I think the date we have for that shows that I was in Boston or I was in New York the previous day, and I was at a dinner for the Outward Bound Trust in New York and then I flew up to Boston the following day.

“Because of what I was doing, I was staying with the consul-general, which is further down the street (from Epstein’s home).

“So I wasn’t staying there (at Epstein’s home). I may have visited but no, definitely didn’t, definitely, definitely, no, no, no activity.”

But the diplomat, Sir Thomas Harris, has since said he had “no recollection” of the Prince staying at his official residence.

He said: “If he stayed with me, we would normally arrange for businesses to come in. My understanding is that it would be in the Court Circular.

“I have no recollection of him staying at the address in April. I don’t have a note of the dates of all the visits – the Palace will. It doesn’t ring any bell whatsoever.”

What happened on Epstein’s Caribbean island?

Prince Andrew is said to have visited Epstein’s private Caribbean island three times.

It is claimed naked girls took part in orgies there and Virginia Roberts alleges the Duke took part in one with her, Epstein and eight other women.

He denied the claims during his Newsnight interview and recoiled at allegations he stayed there ‘three or four times a year’.

Women accusing Epstein of sexually abusing them have said his US Virgin Islands home was covered with security cameras.

Why did Prince Andrew stay with Jeffrey Epstein after his child sex conviction?

Prince Andrew stayed with Epstein in New York for several days in 2010, two years after the billionaire was convicted of child sex offences.

He claims he did this as “it was a convenient place to stay” and barely saw the convicted paedophile during the visit.

During the visit he was photographed walking with Epstein in Central Park. He claims this is the moment he told them he was ending their friendship.

A source has since claimed the Duke of York grilled his pal to make sure he didn’t have any dirt on him.

Did the Duke of York really not notice ‘sex slaves’ at Epstein’s home?

During the Newsnight interview, Andrew faced accusations that ‘you couldn’t have failed to notice’ sex workers in Epstein’s home.

The Prince maintained he had no idea his pal was involved in any illicit activity.

He described his house as being ‘like a train station’ with ‘people coming and going all the time’.

Andrew added: “It wasn’t my business to stop and ask them who they were and what they were doing there.”

He also claimed that as royal residences are often busy with members of staff, the presence of women in the properties didn’t seem unusual to him.

What ‘specific questions’ did Prince Andrew ask Ghislaine Maxwell about Virginia Roberts?

Leaked e-mails appear to show Prince Andrew begging Maxwell for help just hours after ‘sex slave’ accuser Virginia Roberts named him in US court papers.

The BBC’s Panorama revealed e-mails allegedly sent between the Duke of York and Ms Maxwell in 2015.

The e-mails were sent after Ms Roberts lodged court papers in Florida claiming she had been forced to have sex with Prince Andrew.

The Duke is said to have written: “Let me know when we can talk. Got some specific questions to ask you about Virginia Roberts.”

Ms Maxwell replies: “Have some info. Call me when you have a moment.”

The BBC documentary showed e-mails allegedly between Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell

In the e-mails the Duke of York appears to ask for information about Ms Roberts

The court papers were later struck from US civil court records when a judge ruled them “immaterial and impertinent” to allegations against Epstein.

The Prince claims he has ‘no recollection’ of ever meeting her.

Did Prince Andrew hold a birthday party at Sandringham for Ghislaine Maxwell?

Five minutes into his Newsnight interview, Prince Andrew denied holding a birthday do at Sandringham for Epstein’s girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, saying it was a “straightforward shooting party”.

Prince Andrew distanced himself from Epstein and Maxwell in the programme and claimed he was not ‘close’ with them.

When was the last time Prince Andrew saw her?

Prince Andrew allegedly met Ghislaine Maxwell two weeks after the Jeffrey Epstein paedo probe was re-opened.

He claimed in his car-crash BBC interview he last saw Maxwell at a rally but said they didn’t discuss Epstein.

But the meeting took place on or around June 5 – the day before Maxwell embarked on a glamorous four-day supercar rally to Monaco from London.

It also came two weeks after US prosecutors announced they wanted to reopen their investigation into the paedo.

Speaking in the bombshell BBC Newsnight interview, Andrew said his last contact with Maxwell was “earlier this year funnily enough in the summer, in the spring, summer” as she was “here doing some rally”.

Asked whether the pair had discussed the paedo, Prince Andrew replied: “No, actually funnily enough no, not at all, there wasn’t anything to discuss about him because he wasn’t in the news, you know, it was just… we moved on.”

Which ‘useful’ contacts did Epstein introduce Prince Andrew to?

The Duke said he did not regret his relationship with Epstein as the billionaire introduced him to “useful people” who helped him with his international trade and charity work.

The Prince needs to back this up with details on who these people were and what help they provided, to fully explain his relationship with Epstein.

A never-before-seen picture shows Prince Andrew, Maxwell and Epstein at Ascot in 2000

Pictures showed Virginia Roberts with Epstein at parties as a 17-year-old[/caption]

She said she was flown around the world on a private jet

Virginia claims she was introduced to Andrew through paedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell
Getty - Contributor

She claims to have met Andrew at 17 and had sex with him on three occasions
Getty - Contributor

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