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Sustainable optimization boosts energy savings by 30% for Turkish dairy products manufacturer

Sustainable optimization boosts energy savings by 30% for Turkish dairy products manufacturer

Turkish milk and dairy products manufacturer Yörükoğlu Süt relies on process optimization to deliver measurable sustainability gains that help boost their bottom line. After experiencing issues with pumps provided by their former supplier, the dairy turned to its packaging provider, and Alfa Laval’s Global Alliance Partner Tetra Pak, for assistance. What began as a routine visit by Alfa Laval to the Antalya processing plant evolved into a long-term partnership to bring increased running time, reduced costs, higher energy savings, and an enhanced sustainability profile to the milk processing plant.

Already well-established in the Mediterranean and Aegean regions, Yörükoğlu Süt aims to become the area’s largest producer of milk and dairy products. Yörükoğlu Süt’s dairy had been experiencing poor service for its pumps from their former supplier at its Antalya plant, which has a production capacity of 600 tons per day. The dairy asked Tetra Pak to assess the problem, and as an Alfa Laval application specialist was conducting intermediate valve and pump training with Tetra Pak in Istanbul at the time, both companies sent a representative to Antalya. Using Joules, the online Alfa Laval sustainability tool to compare fluid handling equipment and verify savings on water, energy and cleaning media, the representatives recommended replacing the existing pumps with Alfa Laval LKH pumps to realize significant reductions in water and energy consumption, as well as reduced emissions.

Successful trial proves pumps’ efficiency

Increasing plant sustainability by optimizing pump operations held great appeal for Yörükoğlu Süt. Alfa Laval conducted three workshops to demonstrate its expertise, reliability and commitment to customer service to the dairy. Based on relevant information, such as pipe length and bends, Alfa Laval recommended replacing the existing pumps with Alfa Laval LKH pumps. Compact yet powerful, LKH pumps deliver greater energy efficiency than similar premium centrifugal pumps and are at least 30% more energy efficient than similar midrange pumps. A month and a half of testing convinced Yörükoğlu Süt to purchase and install the LKH pumps, which have been continuously delivering optimal performance and energy savings ever since.

“Fast delivery time ensured that we could optimize pump operations quickly and begin to realize savings,” says Burak Aksoy, Factory Manager at Yörükoğlu Süt. “We are pleased with the continuous operation and energy savings achieved with the LKH pumps.”

Plant expansion and partnership for optimal performance, sustainability and savings

Strong collaboration among Yörükoğlu Süt, Alfa Laval, and Tetra Pak, along with the successful results from the LKH pumps, led to further discussions about expanding the dairy’s Antalya plant with an adjacent 26,000 square-metre production facility.

The scope of supply included Alfa Laval technical know-how, installation, service and support, and a broad range of Alfa Laval equipment such as:

  • Centrifugal pumps
  • Single-seat valves
  • Mixproof valves
  • Check valves
  • Butterfly valves
  • ThinkTop® valve control units
  • Heat exchangers
  • Pasteurizers
  • Agitators
  • Tank equipment
  • Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) systems

The broader scope of supply provided greater energy savings from Alfa Laval agitators and pumps, more water savings from Alfa Laval Unique Mixproof valves and agitators, and a smaller footprint due to the compact equipment size and efficiency. Furthermore, the additional advantages included fast and agile assistance from Tetra Pak, short delivery time, and minimal valve and pump maintenance.

“Learning how Alfa Laval and Tetra Pak could further our sustainability agenda with water and energy savings was eye-opening,” says Burak Aksoy, reflecting on the benefits of the successful partnership.

Sustainability, trust and open communication

The hallmark of great business relationships relies largely on trust and open communication. Being able to rely on your partners implicitly as well as being open to new ideas and dialogue inevitably creates the right conditions to succeed. However, in this case, sustainability also proved a common denominator and driving force for the partnership among Yörükoğlu Süt, Tetra Pak and Alfa Laval.

“We share common values and a common vision for more sustainable manufacturing processes that are good for our planet,” says Yörükoğlu Süt’s Aksoy.

Strengthening an already strong partnership

Yörükoğlu Süt has signalled that the company plans to strengthen the partnership with Tetra Pak and Alfa Laval. The dairy is now working with Alfa Laval to supply all processing components to the new Antalya plant, and plans to order additional Alfa Laval pumps. This bodes well for achieving optimal plant sustainability and operating efficiency as well as the lowest total cost of operation for the dairy.

About Alfa Laval

Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling.

The company’s equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes. The solutions help them to heat, cool, separate and transport products in industries that produce food and beverages, chemicals and petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol.

Alfa Laval’s products are also used in power plants, aboard ships, oil and gas exploration, in the mechanical engineering industry, in the mining industry and for wastewater treatment, as well as for comfort climate and refrigeration applications.

Alfa Laval’s worldwide organization works closely with customers in nearly 100 countries to help them stay ahead in the global arena. Alfa Laval is listed on Nasdaq OMX, and, in 2018, posted annual sales of about SEK 40.7 billion (approx. 4.0 billion Euros). The company has about 17,200 employees.


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