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C-RAN Market to Witness Comprehensive Growth by 2026

C-RAN Market to Witness Comprehensive Growth by 2026

Raditional structural designs of the cellular networks are facing various challenges due to exceptional up surge in mobile data traffic, availability of limited spectrum, and increase in power utilization. By taking note of this, several telecom companies as well as research groupshave put themselves in an endlesshunt for essentialinnovationsfor developing advanced network architectures. Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN) is one such invention that canmatch with the exploding user demand and also reduce capital as well as operational expenditures for network operators. C-RAN architecture is a paradigm that has altered the concept of cellular networks, and is currently beingdeliberated as a major candidate for forthcoming 5G cellular systems. 

On the grounds of interference management, latency, throughput enhancement, energy efficiency, and safety,the C-RAN based cellular networks are simply killing it. As compared to traditional architecture, the advanced C-RAN architecture highlights the concept of service cloud and service-oriented resource scheduling & management. Hence, this technology enables the use of novel communication as well as computer technologies. 

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Growing Need for Cloud-Radio Access Networks and Developments in the Telecommunication sector

A strong network isvery essential at hotspot areas such stadiums, offices, and city-squares where number of users using this network is usually high. For improving the network efficacy insuch areas various network operators have now started implementing centralized baseband technology. Moreover,the telecommunication sector is constantly undergoing technological developments to meet the increased demand for high speed and reliable internet.Due to this, the need for C-RAN networks is continuously growing these days. Moreover, dramatic surge in the popularity and sales of tablets and smart-phones all across the globe, along with the rising broadband access is thriving the global C-RAN market. 

Benefits such as reduction in power cost, ability to adapt to the fluctuating traffic, capacity and spectral efficiency improvement offered by C-RAN have lured may network operators to  implement this technology.This technology has an excellent architecture that fulfills the drastically growing data traffic issues. Hence, considering all this factors it is clear that the demand for C-RAN network is sure to augment in the upcoming years especially after the spread of 5G networks. 

Evolution of 5G technology and C-RAN

The mobile telecommunications sector is making headway with advent of 5G technology. C-RAN plays a fundamental role in driving the evolution of 5G networks. C-RAN networks have reduced capital investment for operators in terms of CAPEX and OPEX. Furthermore, this technology has the ability toreduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and boost network performance. Additionally, it offers several benefits such as the ability to pool resources, supports multiple technologies, simplifies network operations & management, ability to reuse infrastructure, and minimize energy consumption. C-RAN is currently seen as a major weapon that can satisfythe rising internet demands by coping up with the speed of evolving 5G technology.

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Trends and future of C-RAN market

As per a report by Research Dive, the global C-RAN market  is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.4% from 2019 to 2026. These days, C-RAN is a hot topic in the mobile telecommunication sector. It seems like every mobile network provider is exploring C-RAN and trying to implement it to harness its benefits. One of the famous network providers, Nokia isthe first one to launch the world’s first commercially deployed cloud-based 5G RAN in North America. This company is currently satisfying the demands of people in one of the busiest cities in the US. 

Apart from Nokia, several other companies are actively looking forward to invest in the C-RAN technology. Some of these are

  1. ZTE Corporation.
  3. Intel Corporation
  4. Cisco Systems, Inc.
  5. Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson
  6. Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
  7. ASOCS Ltd.
  9. NEC Corporation.

The involvement of such top brands in the C-RAN market is expected to boost the growth of the market in the upcoming years.

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