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95 Theses and Thesis format guide

The 95 Theses on the Power of Indulgences is a very notable and historical academic writing essay writer that focuses on one devout man's reaction to the Roman Catholic Church. Written by Martin Luther in 1517, the 95 Theses triggered the Protestant Reformation, which sought to establish Protestantism as a major religious denomination. Martin Luther's writing helped him to protest certain practices of the Roman Catholic Church such as penance, papal authority, and the usefulness of indulgences.

Martin Luther's 95 Theses discussed the commercialization of the Church in which people could purchase indulgences for forgiveness of their sins. According to Martin Luther, this was a major violation that corrupted the original intent of confession and penance. It further added offense to justification because sinners could seek absolution through the purchase of these extravagant indulgences. Martin Luther professed that this was a false promise since sinners needed to receive absolution as a result of God's mercy and Jesus Christ's sacrifice to mankind.

The initial purpose of the 95 Theses was to outline the proceedings of a public scholarly debate on the issue of indulgences. Martin Luther delineated every possible point of discussion for the debate and wrote these matters succinctly in book form buy essay. On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his academic writing on the doors of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Since the debate was going to be held at the University of Wittenberg, the posting of the 95 Theses on the church doors was customary protocol.

Then, Martin Luther met with church officials to present his 95 Theses. When they did not respond favorably to his pleas to stop indulgences, Luther circulated the 95 Theses privately. As a result, the academic writing became a very popular catalyst for the birth of the Lutheran, Reformed, and Anabaptist movements in Christianity. The 95 Theses was printed in many German cities such as Nuremburg, Leipzig, and Basel. Yet, when Pope Leo X ordered Luther to recant certain sections in his writing, Martin Luther refused at the Diet of Worms in 1521. This act of defiance unquestionably led to the initial stages of the Protestant Reformation.

Thesis Format

A thesis is a statement or group of statements asserting a text's main idea, opinion, or argument creating a thesis statement myths. There are countless theses and possible theses, because there are countless ideas, opinions, analyses, and arguments. However, though the content of theses can vary incredibly, most theses follow a standard thesis format. This format is essentially a statement of WHAT the main point of the text is, and HOW that point will be made. Some thesis formats are more specific than this, in that they specify a particular number of HOWs. The prime example of this is the three-point thesis, which asserts the main point of a text and then lists three ways in which that point will be explored.

Thesis format is not the same as a thesis itself: the format is simply the arrangement the thesis takes. The thesis is the content—the actual statement of what the main point of the text is and how that point will be made.

Some students believe that proper thesis format presents the thesis in one sentence only. A thesis may be encapsulated in one sentence, but it does not have to be. Sometimes, thesis statements require several sentences to fully explain the what and the how. Article formats can even be entire (albeit brief) paragraphs.

Another common misperception about thesis formats is that there can be no interruption between sentences expressing the thesis statement. Though it would be unwise to separate the what and the how of the thesis thesis dissertation proposal writing by so much text that the reader has forgotten the what before she reaches the how, it is perfectly fine to have some intervening sentences between the statement of the main point of the text and the author's description of how that point will be explored. Article formats are flexible, so long as they contain both the main point of the text and a description of how that point will be made.

If a student wishes to follow a particular thesis format like the three-point thesis format, he simply needs to be certain that the description of how the main point of the text will be made includes three clearly defined elements. For instance, he may wish to write a paper on the reasons why trees lose their leaves in the fall. His three-point-thesis would then be "Trees lose their leave in the fall due to lack of sunlight, cooler temperatures, and changes in precipitation." This paper would then discuss each of the three elements presented in the thesis.

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