Potentially toxic arsenic compounds can form in the human body when seafood is consumed, according to the University of Bern. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox This is caused by arsenobetaine, which is often found in seafood. It can be converted into partially toxic substances by intestinal bacteria. Arsenobetaine is one of the most frequently occurring arsenic compounds in seafood, including algae, fish and shellfish, the University of Bern said on Monday. Arsenobetaine was previously considered low-risk for humans due to its low toxicity and rapid excretion. According to the researchers, the results of an interdisciplinary study published in the Journal of Hazardous Materials call into question the safety of seafood rich in arsenobetaine. + Consumers are still buying food which makes them sick. How come? The University of Bern research team investigated the arsenobetaine metabolism of mice with different intestinal microbial colonisation status. Three ...