1. Thundersnail | A Fantasy Reality Wiki - FandomIf the yellow snail manages to win the race, the protagonist only receives 9G back as Napstablook needs to make a profit. If the snail loses by a slim margin, ...This article is currently under construction. It is temporarily using the Undertale Wiki's "structure" until further notice. Before you choose to read this article, please read their page instead.Thundersnail is a minigame that the protagonist can play at Napstablook's snail farm in Waterfall for the price of 10G. The goal is to encourage the yellow snail in the top lane, which is done by pressing [Z] every time the exclamation mark above the snail isn't visible, to win the race. Encouraging the See details › 2. some facts about Snail racing: you don't need 10 g to play, if ... - TumblrIf you win, you get 9 g, so you can still profit by winning in this first race. ... Toriel would be disappointed in me. #undertale#snail race#gold ...some facts about Snail racing: you don’t need...