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Warning over four types of Christmas photos you should NEVER post online – as they could put your kids at risk


CHRISTMAS is a time for making memories and many parents like to share adorable snaps of their kids meeting Santa or in festive jumpers.

But an expert has issued an urgent warning to mums and dads to think twice before sharing pictures of their little ones during the season.

When sharing photos of your children, be mindful of others who may be in the background[/caption]

The rise of social media has dramatically influenced how we share and document important moments in our lives, including holidays like Christmas

It’s easy to forget how vast the internet really is and how easily it can be manipulated. 

Vasilii Kiselev, CEO and co-founder of Legacy Online School, said: “We must always think twice before posting photos of our children online, especially during the holiday season. 

“It may seem harmless, but it is vital to consider the potential consequences and risks of sharing too much personal information on social media.

“It’s our responsibility to be mindful of what we post and to prioritise our children’s safety above the need for likes and shares on social media.”

Here, Vasilii outlines the types of photos you should avoid and provides advice on how to take safe and memorable pictures…

Photos showing identifiable locations

Posting a photo of your kids in front of their school or home during the holiday season may seem harmless, but this can make them easily locatable to strangers. 

Avoid sharing photos that reveal specific details of the location, especially if it’s a frequently visited place.

Vasilii suggests: “Consider creating a separate social media account solely for sharing photos of your children with close family and friends. 

“Don’t use discoverable language like hashtags or geotags that reveal personal information.”

Shots showing personal identifiers

Close-up photos that reveal names on clothing or tags, monogrammed items, or even personalised backpacks. 

This also includes photos that show your child’s other personal information, such as their school or team affiliations. 

This information can be used to identify your child without your consent.

Vasilii warns: “If you do notice a personal identifier, you can always censor it through photo editing. 

“But be wary of this technique as it’s not as safe as just re-taking the photo without any personal identifier at all.”

You should avoid using discoverable language like hashtags or geotags that reveal personal information[/caption]

Photos that violate other kids’ privacy

When sharing photos of your children, be mindful of others who may be in the background.

Ask for their permission before posting a picture they are in. 

This especially applies to photos taken at gatherings such as Christmas parties with other children present. 

Always respect the privacy of others if you plan to share the photos you’re taking. 

Vasilii says: “Many people think that because they are okay with sharing their lives online, everyone is okay with it. 

“But this is far from the truth, especially when it comes to someone’s child. 

“Be mindful of the world we live in now, and don’t hesitate to ask questions respectfully; it’s much less intrusive than the alternative.”


  1. Exposure to inappropriate content
  2. Cyberbullying 
  3. Misinformation 
  4. Exposure to online predators 
  5. Exposure to adult content 
  6. Online scams 
  7. Social media trolling 
  8. Influence of challenges and trends 
  9. Fake news 
  10. Exposure to extremist views 

Shots of personal candid moments

Photos should be contrived and demonstrate a certain level of preparation and awareness.

Candid photos taken at home during Christmas morning, bedtime, or playtime should not be posted for the world to see. 

These photos are for personal reflection and should mean nothing to others, so posting them would only have negative results. 

Vasilii added: “Be mindful of your child’s clothing if you plan to post these types of photos.

“Ensure they are appropriately dressed for public viewing despite the casual nature that the image may display.”

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