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World’s best airline’s new cabins have six-way adjustable headrests and ‘roomy’ economy seats

EMIRATES has revealed their new cabins after launching their A350-900 aircraft.

The airline – named the best in the world at a number of awards this year – showed off the new seats at an exclusive event in Dubai this week.

Emirates only launched premium economy in 2022[/caption]
The new cabin is part of the A350-900 rollout[/caption]

Onboard will be 259 economy seats, as well as 21 premium economy and 32 business class.

It is the first new aircraft to join the Emirates fleet since 2008.

Economy passengers will be able to enjoy roomier seats, set across a 3-3-3 formation.

Each seat will be designed in light blue and bronze, with a new six-way adjustable headrest with full neck support.

It hopes that it will “eliminate the need for neck pillows”.

Economy customers will also be able to find complimentary snacks on long haul flights at a new island in the galley area.

The premium economy seats – which only launched in 2022 – will be in a 2-3-2 formation.

Each one will have leather reclining seats as well as footrests and adjustable headrests.

In-seat charging points, a personal cocktail table as well as pillows, blankets and amenity kits will be part of the cabin.

Business passengers, set across a 1-2-1 cabin, will have “S Lounge seats” inspire by the Mercedes S Class.

Lie flat seats, multiple charging ports, a minibar and 4K TV screens will be part of the seats.

Larger overhead lockers, electric window blinds, and inflight menus being shown on the TVs are all part of the entire cabin.

And passengers will even be able to pair two Bluetooth headphones to each seat – so you can watch something with your travel pal.

Storage has been improved on the Emirates A350, with compartmentalised pockets and larger overhead storage bins.

Onboard WiFi will even be able to work over the North Pole, using ViaSat’s Global Xpress (GX) satellite network.

The new aircraft will depart Dubai for Edinburgh on January 3, 2025.

Phillipe Mhun, Executive Vice President Programmes & Services for Airbus said: “We are proud to further expand our strategic partnership with Emirates which has flourished nearly 4 decades ago with the A300, the A330, the A340 and the A380. Marking a new chapter for Airbus, we expect the A350 to become an integral member of the Emirates’ fleet and support its continued growth and sustainability ambitions.”

Omar Ali Adib, SVP Customer – Middle East and Africa for Rolls-Royce, added: “The collaborative effort between Emirates, Airbus and Rolls-Royce exemplifies what can be achieved when we share a commitment to excellence and build a long-term partnership that makes us all stronger.”

Cathay Pacific recently revealed their new cabins too.

Named the fifth best airline in the world, it includes refreshed economy seats and new business class suites with sliding doors.

Lufthansa’s new cabins include new “cuddle cabins” in business.

The Sun’s Assistant Travel Editor Sophie Swietochowski recently tried out Emirates business class: here’s her thoughts.

The lavish experience begins before you even step foot in the airport, thanks to the free “chauffeur” service (technically just a posh Addison Lee taxi) provided to all business class customers.

I was out of the cab, checked-in and through airport security, making my way to the swish departure lounge in a record-breaking 12 minutes.

I made a beeline for Emirates departures lounge at Heathrow Terminal 3 with showers, a buffet-style restaurant with proper tables, plenty of drinks including champagne, coffee and a cocktail station and free mags and newspapers to devour from one of the many padded arm chairs.

Most people know that the main benefit of flying upper, is not just the space but the ability to keep reclining your seat until it eventually becomes a flat bed, enabling you to get some proper kip on a long-haul flight.

The plush mini pillow, eye mask, blanket and thick “mattress” (essentially a padded topper for your seat), help too.

If you’re not kept busy enough by the endless movies, TV shows and games on the ICE entertainment system at your seat, head to the airplane bar (yes, really), hosted by an air steward that shook up a better Bloody Mary cocktail than many I’ve sampled in many bars back home.

We’ve also revealed Turkish Airlines’ new business class seats – who was named the best European airline by Skytrax.

And Delta has new economy seats as well.

Economy seats will be roomier too[/caption]

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