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Gregg Wallace’s mum says MasterChef star ‘is fine’ and has ‘no idea’ what BBC ‘sexual comments’ probe is about

GREGG Wallace’s mum has broken her silence after the presenter stepped down from MasterChef amid fresh allegations.

It comes as the presenter, 60, has been accused of making “sexual comments to 13 colleagues” and mimicking a sex act in front of horrified colleagues.

Paul Edwards
The MasterChef co-host was seen smiling outside his Kent home today[/caption]
Gregg Wallace’s mum has broken her silence after the presenter stepped down from MasterChef amid fresh allegations[/caption]
The presenter also thanked people for their support on Instagram[/caption]

His mother Mary Pettman told the Mail Gregg is “fine” amid the probe.

The 81-year-old said today: “He’s fine. I speak to my son quite regularly and he is fine.”

Of the investigation and when Gregg will return to MasterChef, she added: “I have no idea what it’s about. You will have to speak to him.”

Gregg has also broken his silence amid the allegations.

He said in an Instagram video: “I would like to thank all the people getting in touch, reach out and showing their support.

“That’s good of you, thank you very much.”

the presenter stepped down from his MasterChef judging role after a probe was launched into alleged “sexual comments”.

Now, a fresh wave of allegations have been reported by the Daily Telegraph.

The BBC also revealed 13 people, including Newsnight host Kirsty Walk, accused him of “inappropriate behaviour” over a 17-year period across five shows, from 2005 to 2022. 

These include claims that Gregg held a female MasterChef colleague’s head and thrust himself towards her while she was kneeling down in front of him cleaning a mark off his trousers.

He is also accused of walking into the MasterChef studio “completely naked except for [a] sock pulled over his penis” before doing a “silly dance”, the Telegraph – who spoke to a witness of the incident – reports.

Gregg’s lawyers told the BBC it was entirely false that he had engaged in behaviour of a sexually harassing nature.

The Telegraph inquiry was instigated after the alleged victim made a formal complaint to the BBC.

The complaint further alleged the presenter was “very touchy feely” and made “disgusting sex-related jokes”.

It comes as…

  • Gregg Wallace has today stepped down from MasterChef
  • Star faces probe after allegedly making sexual remarks to 13 colleagues
  • He was forced to quit amid the BBC’s misconduct probe into his alleged behaviour
  • BBC Newsnight presenter and 2011 contestant Kirsty Wark says Wallace told ‘sexualised’ jokes while filming
  • Gregg accused of talking openly about his sex life, taking his top off in front of a young staffer staffer and telling another he wasn’t wearing any pants
  • Previous MasterChef episodes presented by scandal-hit Gregg still on iPlayer
  • MasterChef star Aasmah Mir shares cryptic ‘always keep your receipts’ post
  • BBC will still air two Masterchef festive specials this Christmas – despite both being fronted by Gregg Wallace

Banijay UK, which makes the hit BBC cooking show, said it was carrying out “an immediate, external review to fully and impartially investigate”.

A spokesperson said: “While this review is underway, Gregg Wallace will be stepping away from his role on MasterChef and is committed to fully cooperating throughout the process.

“Banijay UK’s duty of care to staff is always a priority and our expectations regarding behaviour are made clear to both cast and crew on all productions, with multiple ways of raising concerns, including anonymously, clearly promoted on set.

“Whilst these are historical allegations, incidences brought to our attention where these expectations are not met, are thoroughly investigated and addressed appropriately.”

A BBC spokesman added: “We take any issues that are raised with us seriously and we have robust processes in place to deal with them. We are always clear that any behaviour which falls below the standards expected by the BBC will not be tolerated.

“Where an individual is contracted directly by an external production company we share any complaints or concerns with that company and we will always support them when addressing them.”

Recorded episodes of MasterChef: The Professionals featuring Gregg will still be shown as planned despite the development.

It comes after the MasterChef co-host was seen smiling outside his Kent home today.

Gregg was first accused of making “inappropriate sexual comments” to a female BBC staffer on Impossible Celebrities.

Some 13 people who worked with the presenter across a range of shows over a 17-year period have now accused him of making sexual comments, the BBC confirmed today.

The presenter broke his silence in the short video message[/caption]
Paul Edwards
Gregg grinned as he left his home hours after it was revealed he’d stepped down from his role[/caption]
He has been accused by Kirsty Wark of making sexual comments

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