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One in four drivers admit they’ve accidentally caused damage to another vehicle in a supermarket car park

Scarlett Moffatt spotted testing a tongue-in-cheek Drive-Thru Bubble Wrap, showcasing the lengths the nation take to protect their cars from dents & dinks, without AA Accident Assist. Release date – November 28, 2024. One in four drivers admit they’ve accidentally caused damage to another car in a supermarket carpark. And more than half (53 per cent) have had it happen to them in return. It follows a study of 2,000 drivers which found car damage and dings are a concern for 92 per cent. The research found 11 per cent park over two spaces in a bid to avoid dents, while 18 per cent deliberately park next to the flashiest car they can find, in the hope they’ll be super-careful with their own doors. And seven per cent have even pulled into a trolley bay for added assurance. Half (53 per cent) have gone the extra mile to protect their cars from others’ ‘bad driving’ – including parking in the furthest away space. As many as 23 per cent would be ‘very interested’ in paying for a space with a ‘dent free guarantee’ rather than risk scrapes from others more careless than themselves. The findings were commissioned by The AA, to highlight Accident Assist, a 24/7 support service for members, which also built a tongue-in-cheek ‘drive-thru bubble wrap machine’ to show the lengths people could take to swerve scrapes, dents and dings. ..

ONE in four drivers admit they’ve accidentally caused damage to another car in a supermarket carpark.

More than half (53 per cent) of drivers say they’ve had damage caused to their vehicle in a supermarket car park.

It took Scarlett Moffatt 14 attempts to pass her driving test
The Gogglebox star tested out AA’s tongue-in-cheek Drive-Thru Bubble Wrap, showcasing the lengths the nation take to protect their cars from dents
The AA wanted to highlight Accident Assist, a 24/7 support service for members

It follows a study of 2,000 drivers which found car damage and dings are a concern for 92 per cent.

The research found 11 per cent park over two spaces in a bid to avoid dents, while 18 per cent deliberately park next to the flashiest car they can find, in the hope they’ll be super-careful with their own doors.

And seven per cent have even pulled into a trolley bay for added assurance.

Half (53 per cent) have gone the extra mile to protect their cars from others’ ‘bad driving’ – including parking in the furthest away space.

As many as 23 per cent would be ‘very interested’ in paying for a space with a ‘dent free guarantee’ rather than risk scrapes from others more careless than themselves.

The findings were commissioned by The AA, to highlight Accident Assist, a 24/7 support service for members, which also built a tongue-in-cheek ‘drive-thru bubble wrap machine’ to show the lengths people could take to swerve scrapes, dents and dings.

TV’s Scarlett Moffatt, who took 14 attempts to pass her test, was the first to ‘trial’ the drive-thru.

She said: “Car parks can be a nightmare, especially with the size of some cars these days.

“It’s no small wonder people are afraid of getting their own vehicle scraped or dinged, and how many have accidentally done it to someone else.”

Scarlett is not alone, 54 per cent said they would feel more confident knowing that if they did get into a scrape, someone else would deal with the hassle for them.

With 62 per cent of those polled confessing to being a nervous driver.

And 11 per cent of drivers don’t even know where to start when it comes to making a claim.

This comes as 11 per cent of drivers also admitted that when it comes to making a claim, they don’t know where to start.

More than four in 10 (44 per cent) would be annoyed at all the admin required getting a dent mended.

And just 28 per cent would be very confident in knowing the steps to take to fix a damaged car.

At the other end of the driving spectrum, it also emerged 76 per cent judge other people’s driving an average of eight times a week.

Under half (46 per cent) reckon they’re the best driver in their household – with 25 per cent particularly proud of their own parallel parking skills.

While one in 10 (nine per cent) of drivers have confessed to parking in a parent and baby space, despite having no children with them, for the ease and bonus of some extra protection either side.

The OnePoll figures also revealed 38 per cent get riled up by careless parking by others, with 17 per cent having gone as far as leaving a note on their windscreen.

Tim Rankin, managing director of AA Accident Assist added: “Even the smallest dents can add up to a significant hassle.

“It’s not just about the appearance of the car, but the time, effort, and often money required to address these issues.

“We take care of it all as part of your membership – giving you the freedom to drive with confidence.”


  1. Coming back only to find you can’t get in as a car has parked too close to the driver door
  2. Returning to find a mysterious dent or scratch on your car
  3. Trying to park in very narrow or angled spaces that are hard to get into
  4. Trying to snag a space in a busy car park
  5. The pressure of struggling to parallel park while people wait behind you
  6. Someone sliding into your space while you were patiently waiting for it
  7. Pedestrians not looking where they’re going
  8. Trying to find the instructions on how to pay
  9. Coming back to find bird droppings all over your car
  10. Finding your car’s been blocked in by shopping trolleys
  11. Worrying about fines or towing in unclear parking zones
  12. Having technical issues when trying to use a parking app
  13. Finding the exact location you left it
  14. Accidentally driving the wrong way down a one-way parking row
  15. Coming back to find you forgot to wind up a window and rain has got in
  16. Spotting your car when it looks very similar to lots of other cars
  17. Parking close to a bush and realising it scratched your car
  18. People who let their car roll back while queuing to get out of a basement car park
  19. Bad phone connectivity in a basement car park
  20. Other people not being careful with your car (scraping past with their clothes or handbag, allowing kids to open the door without help or supervision)

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