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Sainsbury’s reveals amazing ‘Black Friday’ wine discount trick including half-price Whispering Angel

SAINSBURY’S has revealed it is bringing back a discount trick which means you can get bottles of wine for half price this Black Friday.

By making use of the exclusive deal, wine-lovers can stack their baskets with favourites such as Whispering Angel and Taittinger.

Taittinger champagne Sainsbury’s has been marked down
Sainsbury’s has slashed the price of its booze this Black Friday

It comes as the supermarket reintroduces its “Buy Six Save 25% on wine” offer for all Nectar Card loyalty members.

This means customers can get a quarter off if they stock up on six bottles of still or sparkling wine in a single visit.

It also includes wines which have already had their prices substantially slashed in the Black Friday sale – meaning you can double up on extra savings.

For example, Whispering Angel Provence Rose was originally £22, but the price has now dropped to £15 with a Nectar Card.

When you apply the Buy Six Save 25% discount on top of that, you only need to spend £11.25.

This makes it one of the cheapest on the market with Tesco charging £22 and John Lewis asking customers for £21.

It also means you would be saving on 49% of the bottle’s original price – almost half off.

Meanwhile, fancier fizz Taittinger Brut Reserve Champagne is £43 without a Nectar Card, but £30 for members this Black Friday.

If you buy six or more bottles this drops to £22.50 – pocketing 48% of the original price.

This price also makes it one of the cheapest on the market, however you can currently buy it on The Great Wine Co. website for £29.50.

But as this is an online website you will have to wait for the product to arrive.

And it doesn’t stop there – Canti Prosecco 75cl is down to just £4.50 a bottle with the deal where it was originally £8.75.

The full list of wines which feature in the deal are listed below:

  • Whispering Angel Provence Rosé: £15 with Nectar Prices (£22 without Nectar) and £11.25 when you buy 6 or more bottles.
  • Taittinger Brut Reserve Champagne: £30 with Nectar Prices (£43 without Nectar) and £22.50 when you buy 6 or more bottles.
  • Canti Prosecco 75cl: £6 with Nectar Prices (£8.75 without Nectar) and £4.50 when you buy 6 or more bottles.
  • Trivento Reserve Malbec: £6.50 with Nectar Prices (£8.50 without Nectar) and £4.88 when you buy 6 or more bottles.
  • Taste the Difference Pinot Grigio Trentino: £6 with Nectar Prices (£8.25 without Nectar) and £4.50 when you buy 6 or more bottles.
  • Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc: £6.75 with Nectar Prices (£10.50 without Nectar) and £5.06 when you buy 6 or more bottles.

Sainsbury’s has been ramping up the discounts ahead of Black Friday, which takes place on Friday November 29.

The retailer has cut the price of its beauty and skincare products by up to 50% to give customers the chance to save ahead of Christmas.


Nectar is a loyalty card which is free to sign up for and allows customers to collect and spend points.

The scheme provides discounted prices on hundreds of products in-store and online.

Much like Tesco‘s Clubcard, you earn points when you buy selected products in-store by scanning your card or app when you checkout.

You need to be 18 or over to become a member and will need to register online to get your Nectar prices.

You need a Nectar account to get Nectar Prices and Your Nectar Prices.

It takes a few minutes to join and you get other great benefits too. You’ll need to be 18 or over to become a member. 

If you are shopping online, make sure you add your Nectar card to your online Sainsbury’s account.

Products include an Oral B electric toothbrush marked down from £160 to £60.

However, the discounts are only available to Nectar cardholders.

The loyalty scheme does not only give you savings during Black Friday, but across the whole year.

You can sign up on the Sainsbury’s website here, https://www.sainsburys.co.uk/.

What are other retailers doing for Black Friday?

Dunelm has launched a 75% sale on Black Friday.

The homeware retailer has cut the price of everything from home blinds to Christmas decorations.

Tesco will reduce the price of over 50 items, with some items being cut by almost 70%.

That includes a Joie Roomie Glide Co-Sleeping Crib which has been cut from £160 to £50.

Elsewhere, those looking to stock up their Christmas liquor cabinet on a budget can already pick up one litre bottle of Baileys for £10.

The Sun has a Black Friday live blog which you can check out here, to help stay on top of deals as they come in.

How to shop around for the best bargain

When hunting for a deal it is important to shop around to make sure you are not being overcharged.

There are plenty of comparison websites out there that’ll check prices for you – so don’t be left paying more than you have to.

Most of them work by comparing the prices across hundreds of retailers.

For example, Google Shopping is a tool that lets users search for and compare prices for products across the web. Simply type in keywords, or a product number, to bring up search results.

Price Spy also logs the history of how much something costs from over 3,000 different retailers, including ArgosAmazoneBay and the supermarkets.

Once you select an individual product you can quickly compare which stores have the best price and which have it in stock.

Best Black Friday deals 2024

BLACK Friday 2024 is this week, but lots of retailers have already launched sales. Here are the best deals we've found so far.

*If you click on a link in this boxout we will earn affiliate revenue

  1. All Saints – 30% off everything – shop at All Saints
  2. Shark Deluxe IZ202UKTDB Cordless Vacuum, £169.99 (was £279.99) – buy from Shark
  3. AirPods Pro, £179 (was £229) – buy from Amazon
  4. Simba Pro Hybrid Mattress, £885 (was £1149) – buy from Simba
  5. Sky Broadband, from £36/month – buy from Sky
  6. Dyson Airwrap, refurbished, £259.35 (was £399) – buy from eBay
  7. Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite, £21.99 (was £34.99) – buy from Amazon
  8. 3 Months FREE TV and Broadband – buy from Virgin Media
  9. Monica Vinader, save up to 50% – shop here
  10. Toniebox, £63.96 (was £79.95) – buy from Tonies

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