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Five Easy Plants You Should Bring Your Hosts for Thanksgiving

For the next month, you're going to be showing up on a lot of doorsteps as a guest. It's only common courtesy to show up with a little something for your host. Traditional gifts like booze and food can be fraught—does this person drink? Do they have food allergies? Do they even want booze or food?—so bring a plant instead.

Maybe you're concerned that gifting a plant ropes the recipient into years of indentured servitude to said plant to keep it alive, but don't stress it: Here are five gift-worthy plants that won't ask too much of your hosts if they don't want to give it (and all can be placed outside without much consequence if they truly don't want them in the house).


This time of year, this red flowering plant (actually a type of Euphorbia) can be found everywhere. Although Poinsettia is technically a perennial, most people treat it as a seasonal annual, and toss it at the end of the season. Generally, I would only purchase this plant for people without dogs or cats, as it can be toxic for both (though less so for dogs). Plus, it makes a lovely centerpiece. Even in lower light, a poinsetta will survive throughout the holidays, and if you give it enough sunlight (6 to 8 hours a day) it can live well into the new year.


There are two types of mums. Annual or "fall" mums are the ones you'll find at your grocer or garden center; there are also perennial mums that look like dahlias. The first kind make great gifts. A pot of mums can be a fantastic short term commitment, providing a good-looking flowering mound that lasts a month or two. In a planter at your front door, they're a welcoming sight, or you can keep them inside and enjoy them until the end of the season. In mild climates you can overwinter them with some coaxing, but most people don't bother. They come in a whole range of colors and shapes, and will provide a guaranteed dose of good cheer when you show up with them. They're mostly safe for pets too: They're considered "mildly toxic," which is the lowest designation.


For a truly short term delight, forced bulbs are the way to go. You'll find potted bulbs at garden centers and grocery stores. What I love about this solution is that instead of delivering a plant, you're delivering a promise: The bulbs will continue to shoot up greenery, flower, and then die soon after, leaving the recipient with a new vase. It happens quickly, and it can be delightful to watch in real time. Plus, the flowers smell wonderful. Note that amaryllis are toxic to both cats and dogs, so be aware of that before gifting them to households with pets.

Live herbs

I think a particularly classy gift is to show up with a trio of live herbs. They can be found at garden centers, but also grocers like Trader Joe's. Again, these are low commitment, highly useful, and generally nontoxic to pets. For winter, grabbing cilantro, dill, and basil for your culinary friends is a savvy choice. The herbs are useful, and generally come in compostable containers, so they won't create much waste.


Orchids are fascinating plants that make surprisingly good gifts. They're nontoxic to pets, and someone who understands orchids can adopt one help it flourish all year. Someone who doesn't know how to care for them can enjoy the orchid while it blooms and then toss it. Orchids can even do well in bathrooms, so long as there's indirect sunlight, as they love the moisture.

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