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A nutrition researcher shares 5 habits he follows to eat healthy and build muscle during the holidays

Chris Rhodes, a researcher and founder of a longevity supplement company, said he has treats like caramel apple pie over the holidays, and uses the extra calories to build muscle.
  • A nutrition and longevity researcher said he uses science to make his holidays fun and healthy.
  • He focuses on building muscle to take advantage of big meals for better gains.
  • He also leans into high-protein and veggie-rich holiday meals, followed by a rich dessert.

A researcher said trying to live a longer, healthier life doesn't stop him from enjoying the holidays — and treating himself leads to better results long-term.

Chris Rhodes is the founder, CEO, and lead scientist of the longevity supplement company Mimio, and has a PhD in nutritional biology.

He told Business Insider that his science background has helped him find smart ways to use holiday indulgence to boost his health, instead of derailing it.

"Nutrition can be a tool. Once you understand it, you can utilize it to keep driving you consistently towards your goals without having the stress, having to exert a ridiculous amount of control in order to maintain health," he said. "We can work within what's happening around us and use that to our advantage."

From making seasonal foods more nutritious to using holidays treats to build muscle, here's his approach to the season.

Use big meals to fuel muscle-building

The holidays often focus on eating, and treating yourself can be a great opportunity to build muscle, according to Rhodes.

He said he takes advantage of the extra food he enjoys during the season to boost his gains, focusing on strength training workouts.

Increasing muscle mass takes energy, and the most effective way to do it is in a calorie surplus, when you're eating more than you burn off.

That's why fitness pros like bodybuilders often use the winter months as a bulking season.

"I'm a big fan of working within both the natural rhythms of my body, the natural rhythms of the environment," Rhodes said.

Prioritize protein sources like turkey

To help with building muscle, Rhodes said he leans into meals that already feature a big protein source like turkey or ham.

He uses the season to try out new recipes to share at gatherings, since bringing a healthy, high-protein dish ensures he can enjoy meals while staying on track.

"You're making these unique dishes that you don't usually make, but then still hitting your fiber counts, your micronutrient counts, your protein counts, but also not getting too into the weeds of actually counting. Holidays aren't for counting," he said.

Add more veggies to your plate

Another healthy-eating hack Rhodes uses for his family celebrations is making delicious dishes that focus on veggies.

Along with classics like mashed potatoes and gravy, they'll enjoy caramelized Brussels sprouts, delicata squash with hazelnut mint pesto, and sautéed kale with mushrooms. Incorporating leafy greens and other colorful produce adds a range of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients to the meal.

"There are ways that you can make things more fun, more interesting, but then also healthier at the same time while still retaining some of that tradition," Rhodes said.

Swap in healthy alternatives like veggie noodles

Simple substitutions can make traditional dishes healthier, adding ingredients like cauliflower rice or shirataki noodles to soups and stews without sacrificing flavor.

"Those are the kinds of things that I really like to do and focus a lot of my cooking prowess on how can I create something that no one would be able to tell is actually a lower-calorie version of this really comforting thing," Rhodes said.

Don't give up your favorite treats

There are some indulgent moments that aren't worth compromising on.

For Rhodes, it's deep-dish caramel apple pie with homemade whipped cream.

He might make it with more nutritious, high-fiber flour, but part of the holiday charm is not counting every calorie. A flexible health routine is easier to sustain long-term than overdoing it and scrambling to catch up after the holidays.

Ultimately, balance is all about aiming for longevity, but enjoying the pie along the way.

"What is the point of living longer if you have to live less?" Rhodes said. "It's just a matter of taking inventory of, okay, what are the goals that I'm trying to achieve and how can I stay consistent with them."

Read the original article on Business Insider

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