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Протурецкие бойцы захватили занятый курдами город Манбидж на севере Сирии

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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Frumpy Mom: More stories that make us grateful

Last week, I shared stories of how strangers had reached out and helped others, without thought of reward. With all the mayhem and stress in the world right now, I think it’s time to remember all the good things we have in our lives of relative luxury, compared to nearly everyone else in the world. And the essential goodness of people, no matter where you are.  And happy Thanksgiving!

Here are more of your stories, edited for length:

David Stevenson, Yucaipa: During a recent trip to Ireland, I was pickpocketed on a city bus in Dublin and had my wallet stolen. We regrouped, canceled our credit cards and made the best of the rest of our trip, vowing not to let it ruin our holiday. A week after we returned home I received a package from Ireland. To my surprise, a Good Samaritan had found my wallet and mailed it to me after locating my address from my license in the wallet. He wrote a nice letter explaining that where he works is a popular dumping ground for stolen property. He said that when he finds a wallet or purse, he tries to return it. This act of kindness made me realize there are more good people in this world than bad ones. He also closed his letter with an Irish quote “Wish you one hundred thousand welcomes.”

Ida Craft, Riverside: It was a statement that made all the difference. I was nine months pregnant with twins who were so comfortable nestled in their current environment (one breach) they didn’t want to leave. It was hard to breathe. It was hard to walk. It was hard to sleep. I was miserable. My due date came and went and the babies still weren’t ready to enter the world. My husband and I stopped for lunch after seeing the doctor and scheduling a time the next day to induce labor. Waiting for our lunch, a woman walked up to our table and asked if I was pregnant with twins. I began to tell her how scared I was, because they were going to induce labor the next day and I’d heard horrific stories about induced labor. She simply said “Honey, you’re going to be OK” and walked off. That immediately gave me a sense of calm. The next day I arrived at the hospital; still no indication the babies were ready. They started the IV drip. Three and a half hours later our daughter and son were delivered naturally (the breached one turned at the last minute) and I was fine. Later, I was told my twins broke the hospital record for birth weight of twins: 7.13 lbs and 8.5 lbs.

Ellen Davis, San Clemente: I was 24, looked 15, and was traveling alone in Europe. It was 1976. I took a boat from Holland to England and didn’t think to exchange money before I left. I arrived in England and found I couldn’t change any money, but I could buy an overnight ticket on the train to Edinburgh. I was in a crowded compartment with several mothers and small children. All I had to eat was some cheese and oranges. I tried sleeping sitting up in my seat. I got so hungry I could smell the milk the mothers were giving their children. I asked at one point if they thought there would be anyplace I could exchange money when I arrived. They said they didn’t think so because it was Sunday. I dozed off. When we arrived, the ladies handed me change that they’d collected, saying that at least Icould get a hot breakfast. I thanked them and asked how I could pay it back. They said no need, sometime when they were traveling and needed something the favor might be returned. I was very grateful!

James Watson, retired Upland police officer: I was riding my motorcycle back from Reno in 2006 when it broke down on Highway 395, a very remote area with limited cell service. The nearest call box didn’t work. No one would stop to help. I’d been standing there for about an hour before a motor home with a Harley Davidson motorcycle on the back stopped. Ted Owen of Owen Electric removed his Harley from the motor home and replaced it with my bike. He allowed me to ride his Harley and drove his motor home with my bike to his business in Rancho Cucamonga, where I later picked it up. If you’re not familiar with Harley Davidson owners, let me help you out. Not many Harley owners would let you sit on their motorcycle. Ted let me ride his for about 70 miles! I will always remember Ted Owen and his wonderful act of kindness.

And on that note,  let me again say happy Thanksgiving and, at this writing, my daughter Curly Girl is still waiting for the arrival of her new baby girl. She’s also miserable, so hopefully a kind stranger will stop by and comfort her as well. If you feel inclined, keep sending the stories with your name and city.

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