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Global Climate Challenges: Perspectives from a Chinese COP29 Delegate

P.C. Chen from Hong Kong shares insights with Inter Press Service on China's climate commitments and progress at COP29. Crediit: Aishwarya Bajpai/IPS

By Aishwarya Bajpai
BAKU, Nov 23 2024 (IPS)

As COP29 draws to a close, voices from diverse regions have shed light on their contributions, challenges, and aspirations in tackling the climate crisis.

Among these voices is Pui Cheong Chen, CEO of Hong Kong Quality Insurance Agency and a representative from Hong Kong, who shared his observations about China’s progress, its role as a global player, and the expectations from developed nations.

China’s Journey Toward Green Transition

PC Chen highlighted the significant strides China has made in combating climate change, particularly since the Paris Agreement. “There’s been a big, big achievement for China since the Paris Agreement—less than 10 years, and you could see the big steps and a lot of achievement from the Chinese government,” he noted.

This progress is rooted in the government’s commitment to renewable energy and low-carbon transitions across various sectors.

Chen described the China Pavilion at COP29 as a hub of innovation, showcasing achievements not just from Hong Kong but also from regions like Guangdong and Shenzhen.

“A lot of sharing, including our sessions, showcased the progress and achievements from the civilian sector, companies, and the government’s perspective,” he said.

Hong Kong, where Chen resides, has strongly committed to carbon neutrality. Initiatives include promoting sustainable fuel, offering subsidies for power plants to transition to cleaner energy sources, and shifting from traditional fossil fuels to lower-carbon alternatives like natural gas.

The Role of Developing Nations

While China and other developing countries have demonstrated significant progress, Chen noted a disparity in the pace of action between developed and developing nations. “Frankly speaking, I observed a lot of positive progress from developing countries, but developed countries seem to be taking a more reserved and conservative approach,” he observed.

He commended Middle Eastern countries for their innovative energy solutions and substantial investments in green technologies, emphasizing their proactive steps in contrast to some developed nations.

A Call for Global Carbon Markets

One of the highlights of COP29, according to Chen, was the progress made under Article 6.4 of the Paris Agreement, which relates to global carbon markets. “This could be a good beginning to promoting a unified global carbon market,” he said. Chen believes such a framework would incentivize organizations and nations to reduce carbon emissions and foster collaboration across economies.

He also underscored the need for developed countries to contribute more—both financially and technologically. “A lot of these new initiatives require monetary resources for transformations. Developed countries have advanced technologies that could bring significant societal change, but they often hesitate to share,” he remarked.

China’s Role as a Leader

China’s status as a developing country is often debated due to its massive economy and significant global influence. Chen acknowledged China’s challenges, particularly post-COVID, but expressed optimism about its potential. “China has a very strong economic foundation and can do more, not just through government policies but by mobilizing contributions from different sectors of society,” he said.

Chen emphasized the role of coastal regions like Guangdong and Shenzhen, which are well-developed and can spearhead green transitions. He advocated for incentivizing both state-owned enterprises and private businesses to contribute to climate goals.

A Message for Climate Negotiators

When asked about his message for COP29, Chen urged developed countries to take greater responsibility. “Developed nations should contribute more, both monetarily and through technology sharing. Climate action is for the common good; it’s not about individual countries but the world as a whole,” he stated.

Chen concluded by expressing pride in China’s efforts, highlighting its proactive approach and innovative solutions as a responsible global player. His reflections underscore the importance of collaboration, innovation, and shared responsibility in addressing the climate crisis—a sentiment echoed across COP29 discussions.

IPS UN Bureau Report



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