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Luke Littler is ‘treated differently’ claim darts rivals who say it’s ‘not at all surprising’ following Grand Slam win

TWO rivals claim it’s “obvious” Luke Littler gets preferential treatment.

Dutch stars Vincent van der Voort and Gian van Veen spoke out following the whizkid’s debut glory in the Grand Slam of Darts.

Luke Littler has shattered all sorts of records in his amazing 12 months[/caption]
Gian van Veen says it’s ‘not strange’ the elite get better treatment[/caption]
Vincent van der Voort claims Littler is a prized asset for the PDC

Littler, 17, has soared from No164 to No5 after becoming only the fourth player ever to win ten titles in a PDC calendar year.

But before the Nuke’s 16-3 triumph over Martin Lukeman in Sunday’s Slam final, there was controversy in his 10-9 last-16 success over Mike De Decker.

The Netherlands ace was upset by the crowd whistling at key moments.

He was then even more frustrated when referee Kirk Bevins refused to tell fans to curb such behaviour.

There’s no suggestion Bevins’ decision was anything to do with Littler.

Indeed, the official insisted the crowd might have whipped up their antics even more if he had intervened.

However, Van der Voort and Van Veen believe it is “of course true” that darts chiefs handle Littler extra nicely.

VDV, 48, told the podcast Darts Draait Door: “If you look at what that boy brings in, in terms of extra sponsorship and money, you’re treated differently.”

Taylor Lanning
Mike De Decker was unhappy with the crowd and referee Kirk Bevins after he was whistled at crucial moments of of his 10-9 loss to Littler[/caption]


Van Veen, 22, agreed, saying: “I don’t find that so strange either – that the absolute top is treated differently than the rest.”

The Grand Slam quarter-finalist revealed he himself benefited from better treatment – but in the second tier of darts, for players aged 16-23. 

He said: “On the Pro Tour I didn’t, but on the Development Tour I noticed it. 

“If, with all due respect, a nobody is late to his job, he gets taken out of the tournament before I do. 

“They’re going to look for me one more time, that way. I could get more done on the Development Tour, other darters probably won’t.”

Littler was a “nobody” in terms of public profile 12 months ago – now he’s one of the most famous sporting teenagers in the world.

However, whether that means he gets special handling – and whether that would be right – are entirely different questions.

Inside Littler's massive rise

LUKE LITTLER has taken the darts world by storm since exploding onto the scene at the PDC World Championship at the beginning of the year.

The Nuke reached the final on his Ally Pally debut at just 16 years of age – smashing records along the way.

He has then gone on to win a host of PDC events and the Premier League title – which he claimed at the O2 Arena by beating world champion Luke Humphries in May.

He also finished his first season in the World Series as the No1 ranked player.

He has joined Jude Bellingham on the Forbes 30 Under 30 Europe list.

And the teenage titan even had to snub an invite from the WWE.

The Sun exclusively revealed that Littler is plotting to create a fitness empire.

He is also cashing in away from the Oche thanks to an Instagram side hustle.

And he’s even the face of a brand new cereal.

But he is newly single after splitting from girlfriend Eloise Milburn following a 10-month relationship.

Check out all of our latest Luke Littler stories.

Luke Littler prize money breakdown

Here is all the prize money Luke Littler has won so far after his Grand Slam of Darts victory:

World Championship 2023 – £200,000

Grand Slam of Darts 2024 – £150,000

European Tour – £91,000

Player Championships events – £71,500

UK Open 2023 + 2024 – £17,500

World Matchplay – £10,000

World Grand Prix – £7,500

European Championship – £7,500

(Unranked) Premier League Darts – £315,000

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