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Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu has tasked manufacturers to embrace new technology and innovation as tools that can significantly enhance productivity, optimise production processes, reduce waste and improve the quality of goods produced. 

Governor Sanwo-Olu gave the advice at the 57th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN), Ikeja Branch, held in Lagos on Wednesday, themed: “Improving productivity in our manufacturing sector through enhanced infrastructure and competitiveness”.

Represented by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Cooperatives, Trade & Investment (MCCTI), Dr. Olugbemi Aina, Sanwo-Olu stated that in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technology and innovation are no longer optional but essential. 

His words: “To remain competitive, Nigerian manufacturers must embrace new technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. We must encourage a culture of research and development in our manufacturing sector, which will ensure the development of new products that can compete in global markets. 

“This means not only investing in the latest technologies but also fostering creativity and experimentation. Our manufacturers should be leaders in creating new products that meet the changing demands of consumers, both locally and internationally”.

Speaking on the workforce, the Governor expressed the view that we need to enhance our educational system to produce graduates with the skills needed in today’s manufacturing world. 

“Vocational training and continuous professional development should be encouraged to ensure our workers remain competitive. As we strive to improve productivity, we must also consider the sustainability of our manufacturing sector. Environmental concerns are increasingly important, both globally and here at home. Nigeria’s manufacturers must adopt practices that minimise their environmental impact, reduce carbon emissions, and promote the responsible use of resources. Sustainable manufacturing is not just good for the planet; it is also good for business, as consumers and investors increasingly prefer companies that prioritise sustainability”, he said. 

President, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Otunba Francis Meshioye, OFR, identified fiscal policy, infrastructure development and competitiveness as key ingredients for manufacturers to survive the numerous challenges confronting the sector, charging members to be conscious of opportunities while navigating through the challenges. 

“Despite the set-back in recent times such as high foreign exchange, security instability, high custom tariffs and others, the Association’s leadership will not relent but continues to engage the government to find solutions to the challenges”, he said. 
Guest Lecturer/Managing Director, GB Foods Limited, Vincent Egbe remarked that manufacturers are operating in a critical time and advocated strategies for survival which include localisation of employees and ingredients (inputs), adoption of local technology (backward integration) to limit the challenge of foreign exchange sourcing and others. 

“Businesses must be determined to take risks and willingness for patience capital, we must have long term view and deep belief in the domestic economy, I emphasis innovation as high cost of imported foods has necessitated a renewed focus on local alternatives that are still of quality and high standard and we should take advantage of the currency devaluation which has provided huge opportunities for export as it is now cheaper to produce in Nigeria and export to West Africa than to import from the West. 

He noted the need to identify talent deficit as a major challenge for productivity, creating delays in programme implementation and inability to staff operations appropriately, as Nigeria now competes with foreign nations not, in the area of products, but also in talents. He also admonished manufacturers to collaborate and ensure unity of purpose, leveraging on each other’s strength, as a critical factor to navigate the challenging operational environment. 

Chairman, MAN, Ikeja Branch, Robert Ugbaja, while appreciating the support of Lagos State Government to businesses, described the AGM as a platform to review and strengthen the Association’s advocacy to drive critical factors that ensure further growth of the manufacturing sector such as fiscal policies, infrastructure development and business competitiveness, and that would serve to generate foreign exchange for the country. 

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