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Новости от TheMoneytizer

‘Blink & you’ll be hit with fee’ travellers blast as they slam airport for hidden charges

HOLIDAYMAKERS blasted “blink and you’ll be hit with a fee” as they warned of a hidden airport charge.

Travellers were outraged after being caught out by new “ridiculous” airport drop-off fees across the UK.

Holidaymakers are up in arms over hikes in drop-off fees at major UK airports

Passengers making “the briefest of stops” to hug their family and friends goodbye were slapped with £7 penalties.

Now major airports have hiked the hated charges, dubbed “kiss and fly” fees, sparking fierce backlash.

Gatwick has risen the price by £1, making it £6 for visitors to stay for 10 minutes.

The same cost increase was noticed at Edinburgh, which now charges £5 for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile Birmingham forces drop-off users to for out £5 for 15 minutes, after an extra £1 was added.

Holidaymakers parking at the Bristol drop-off bays also have to pay £6 for 10 minutes, after the same increase.

Elsewhere, Glasgow, Leeds Bradford and Aberdeen introduce 50p hikes.

Research by the RAC found Manchester Airport was the worst value for money, with travellers having to pay £5 for five minutes.

The poll garnered responses from 1,841 drivers, 72 per cent of which had driven to an airport to drop someone off in the last year.

Heathrow, on the other hand, charged the same amount but for an unlimited stay.

The only free airport drop-off zones were Cardiff, Inverness and London City, as reported by Gloucestershire Live.

It was found 37 per cent of travellers interviewed as part of the RAC survey reported there was no other alternative than using the drop-off points due to a lack of public transport.

Meanwhile 59 per cent said they felt compelled to use the drop-off bays because using public transport was too impractical with suitcases and baggage.

RAC senior policy officer Rod Dennis said: “It’s depressing, if perhaps unsurprising given what’s happened in the past, to see seven airports have hiked their drop-off charges once again this year.

“To have to pay £5, £6 or even £7 for the briefest of stops to simply open the boot and take some luggage out for a friend or loved one is bordering on the ridiculous.

“Increased charges at airports that have relatively poor public transport access – for instance, no direct rail or tram link – also seems pretty unreasonable.

“Some airports say the reason they charge for drop-offs at all is to discourage people from driving in the first place, but if the alternatives are non-existent, expensive or unreliable then what choice do people really have?”

A spokesman for trade body Airports UK said: “UK airports offer a range of options for those travelling to and from terminals, with many providing free drop-off facilities at various locations.

“Non-aeronautical income such as drop-off fees allows airports to keep charges to airlines low and to invest in sustainable transport options, benefiting travellers through lower air fares and increased connectivity.

“It also supports the record investments airports are making in improved facilities and infrastructure to create the best possible experience for passengers, as well as encourage people travelling to airports to make use of other, more sustainable forms of transport.”

How to appeal a PCN

THIS applies to private company penalties

Before challenging privately issued penalties, check if the firm is a member of the British Parking Association (BPA) or International Parking Community (IPC).

If they’re not, Citizens Advice recommends that you don’t contact them unless they write to you first.

Often these firms don’t have access to your records from the DVLA and won’t be able to find you.

But if they do write to you, you should reply.

Companies must send notices within 14 days of when you were parked on the private land, if a notice wasn’t left on your windscreen.

First, complain through the company that issued the ticket — many have a formal process.

You can get contact details for members of the BPA at britishparking.co.uk and the IPC at theipc.info.

Gather evidence to show why you think the ticket was unfair such as photographs of unclear signs and road markings or a bank statement to show a charge has been paid.

If the complaint is rejected, your next step is to appeal.

Appeals should be made to Parking On Private Land Appeals if the operator is a BPA member.

You have 28 days after the rejection of the initial complaint to appeal to Popla.

If they are an IPC member, appeal to the Independent Appeals Service — you have 21 days to do so.

And if your appeal is rejected, it is encouraged to appeal again.

Gatwick has risen the price by £1, making it £6 for visitors to stay for 10 minutes

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