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I tested the viral Poundland £1 make-up powder & bronzer – I wasn’t prepared for what it looked like in real life

OVER the years, Poundland has become the go-to place for many seeking a bargain and make-up lovers are no exception.

Those who love the popular discount retail store know that their make-up has been all the rage in the recent months – but is it actually any good?

Isabella shared her thoughts on TikTok in a video that has since taken the internet by storm[/caption]
It’s safe to say the mini shopping haul was a success, as she couldn’t believe the results[/caption]

Just as intrigued as the team at Fabulous was beauty enthusiast, Isabella Hill (@isabellahill_), who decided to see if its £1 make-up powder and bronzer was worth all the hype.

A successful shopping haul later, Isabella then proceeded to upload a video of her first impressions – and it’s safe to say she wasn’t prepared for the results.

First, she opened the Smoothly does it face powder and just a few dabs later, the make-up fan was amazed at how good her skin looked.

The powder immediately absorbed any oils on her T-zone, making for a healthy matt finish.

”Guys, it’s not even looking that bad. Can you see my skin?” she zoomed in demonstrating the filter effect.

Then, to complete the make-up look, Isabella grabbed the Good to Glow bronzer.

Just like with the first powder, the Poundland enthusiast was amazed after going in heavy with the product.

”My skin isn’t cakey or anything like that.

”Guys, for £1 – £1!” she couldn’t stop raving about the bargain deal.

”I don’t think there’s much difference compared to other bronzers.”

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Seeing just how good the results were, fellow beauty lovers flocked to comments to thank Isabella for sharing the video.

”trip to Poundland soon,” one fan chuckled.

”bloody bargain,” another thought.

However, amongst the 75,800 viewers were also those who claimed the make-up products were not worth wasting your money on.

”I have had the contour for ages and it’s so bad,” a viewer warned.

Someone else urged others to steer clear of Poundland beauty products, writing: ”I used to use it all the time but now I just don’t use powder I do it and it turns out CAKEY.”

It seems that Poundland is the place to go to if you’re after some budget-friendly make-up, as recently one woman transformed her face for just £7.

Beauty influencer Ash has taken on the challenge of trying out budget make-up by testing out a full face of Poundland make-up in a recent video.

She said: “Okay get ready with me using Poundland make up… All of these products that I’m gonna use together cost have cost me £7.”

Ash went in first with the ‘just right’ instant tan.  

She said: “You guys I grabbed this for a pound, what?”

Ash applied the tan to her body and face.

She said: “This is a tan that you apply daily and wash off at the end of the day.”

Ash said: “I’m sure you guys have seen these tans being used by influencers all the time so I just thought that I would try a super affordable one from Poundland.”

Ash continued: “So you guys can see if you like the effect that it gives before splashing your cash on something a little bit more expensive and I’m not gonna lie so far I’m impressed”. 

Next Ash went with the ‘matt me over’ foundation which she had already bought.

It was very watery so Ash only applied a little.

Ash said: “The coverage is not half bad.”

Next Ash tried the ‘hide and sheek’ multi use concealer and contour bronzer. 

Ash said: “A little goes a long way. As a product I’m quite impressed”.

Next Ash tried the smooth pressed powder. 

She said: “I am impressed, if you’re looking for an affordable pressed powder that is a yes from me”.

Lastly Ash tried the ‘get courageous’ lipstick.

She said: “That shade is stunning”.

Ash topped it all off with her favourite brown liner.

She said: “I feel like I was quite pleasantly surprised, not gonna lie the tan might be a new favourite.”

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