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I tested Christmas crisps including pigs in blankets and stuffing flavours – one tasted burnt

CHRISTMAS is just around the corner – and we’ve put festive flavours of crisps to the test.

We tested some traditional treats to find out which supermarket own-brand goods are the best quality for the price.

©2022 Darren Cool
Rosie Taylor has tested Christmas crisps at the major supermarkets[/caption]

This time, we tried Christmas crisps on offer at Tesco, Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Aldi and Lidl.

We bought packs of the turkey flavour as well as the pigs in blankets crisps from all the major supermarkets and gave each one a score out of ten for taste.

We also gave a score out of ten for value, which took into account how healthy the crisps were.

Here’s how all the crisps scored out of 20 overall:


  • Tesco Finest Crinkle Cut Pigs in Blankets Flavour crisps
  • Tesco Finest Turkey & Sage Butter Flavour crisps
  • Prices: £1.25 for 150g
©2022 Darren Cool
Rosie was disappointed by Tesco’s Christmas crisps[/caption]

Tesco’s Christmas crisps were disappointing.

The pigs in blanket variety was thick and crunchy but the flavour was oily with a slightly fishy aftertaste.

The turkey crisps were bizarrely buttery and sweet, tasting more like cheese and onion than roast dinner.

As one of the average-priced brands at 83p per 100g, they weren’t worth the money.

  • Taste: Pigs in Blankets – 2/10, Turkey – 5/10 
  • Value: 5/10
  • Total: Pigs in Blankets – 7/20, Turkey – 10/20


  • Asda Extra Special Pigs in Blankets Hand Cooked Crisps
  • Price: £1.25 for 150g
©2022 Darren Cool
Asda’s pigs in blankets flavour was delicious[/caption]

Asda hadn’t got any turkey crisps out when we carried out our tests but its pigs in blankets variety was delicious.

The crisps tasted of herby sausage, with a background smoky bacon taste.

At 83p per 100g, these were luxury crisps at a reasonable price.

  • Taste: 8/10
  • Value: 7/10
  • Total: 16/20


  • Morrisons The Best Hand Cooked Pigs in Blankets Flavour Crisps
  • Morrisons The Best Hand Cooked Turkey & Stuffing Flavour Crisps
  • Prices: £1.09 for 125g
©2022 Darren Cool
Morrisons’ crisps were a mixed bag[/caption]

The turkey crisps from Morrisons had a nice roast chicken-type flavour, with extra sweetness.

The pigs in blankets version was more disappointing, with no obvious meaty flavour, just a faint hint of tangy tomato.

Both crisps were pleasantly crunchy, but were the most expensive we tried at 87p per 100g.

  • Taste: Pigs in Blankets – 5/10, Turkey – 8/10 
  • Value: 5/10
  • Total: Pigs in Blankets – 10/20, Turkey – 13/20

WINNER Sainsbury’s

  • Sainsburys’ Taste the Difference Turkey Gravy Flavour Crisps
  • Sainsbury’s Taste the Difference Pigs in Blankets Flavour Crisps 
  • Prices: £1.25 for 150g
Sainsbury’s Christmas crisps were also a tale of two halves

The Sainsbury’s Christmas crisps were a real tale of two halves.

The pigs in blanket ones had a strong acrid taste of burnt sausage which was fairly unpleasant. 

But the turkey variety had a great authentic taste of real turkey roast dinner.

The thick chunky crisps would be a perfect festive snack.

At 83p per 100g, the turkey version beat all the rivals around the same price – but the pigs in bacon version was one to avoid.

  • Taste: Pigs in Blankets – 3/10, Turkey – 10/10 
  • Value: 7/10
  • Total: Pigs in Blankets – 10/20, Turkey – 17/20


  • Aldi Specially Selected Pigs in Blankets Hand Cooked Crisps
  • Aldi Specially Selected Turkey & Stuffing Hand Cooked Crisps
  • Prices: 99p for 150g
Aldi’s crisps were a bargain compared to rivals

Aldi’s turkey crisps were disappointing as they tasted overwhelmingly of earthy sage, with very little turkey flavour.

But the pigs in blankets crisps had a moreish sweet smoky bacon flavour.

They were a bit like posh Frazzles.

At just 66p per 100g, these were a bargain.

  • Taste: Pigs in Blankets – 6/10, Turkey – 4/10 
  • Value: 8/10
  • Total: Pigs in Blankets – 14/20, Turkey – 12/20


  • Lidl Deluxe Pigs in Blankets Hand Cooked Potato Crisps
  • Lidl Deluxe Norfolk Turkey & Sage and Onion Stuffing Hand Cooked Potato Crisps
  • Prices: 99p for 150g
©2022 Darren Cool
Lidl is offering among the cheapest crisps we tested – but not the cheapest[/caption]

The Lidl turkey crisps were pretty bland, with a hint of sage in the aftertaste.

The pigs in blankets crisps bizarrely tasted just like roast chicken, with a thyme aftertaste.

They were nice crisps, but didn’t taste anything like bacon or sausages so lost points for that.

At just 66p per 100g, they were the joint cheapest crisps we tested.

  • Taste: Pigs in Blankets – 5/10, Turkey – 5/10 
  • Value: 8/10
  • Total: Pigs in Blankets – 13/20, Turkey – 13/20

The Sun has also tested panettone at the major supermarkets to find the tastiest one offering the best value.

Earlier this month, M&S shoppers were rushing to buy a “panettonut” – a fusion of panettone with a doughnut

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