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Новости сегодня

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Kiehl’s Advent Calendar 2022 is on sale now – and it’s a must for skincare fans

THE Kiehl’s advent calendar 2022 is available now and it’s a skincare junkie’s dream.

Packed full of the brand’s bestselling face creams, toners and treatments, you’ll finish December with a whole new skincare routine.

The Keihl’s Advent Calendar is on sale now[/caption]
  • Kiehl’s Limited Edition Holiday Advent Calendar, £99 from Kiehl’s – buy here

The renowned apothecary brand has launched it’s 2022 iteration of its limited edition annual advent calendar and it’s available to buy now from Kiehl’s.

You can expect to find skincare favourites like the super popular Ultra range inside, including the Ultra Facial Cleanser, Ultra Facial Cream and Ultra Facial Toner, as well as a Vitamin C eye serum mini and a 10ml Retinol Skin-Renewing Daily Micro-Dose Serum.

Whether you have oily, dry, combination or sensitive skin, this calendar has it all – every skin type is catered for.

There are 24 doors leading up to Christmas Day with a skincare treat behind each one.

Plus, this year the packaging has been designed by Made By Radio, a Cape Town/London based studio that focuses on energetic colours to bring a quirky, uplifting element to the experience.

The calendar is retailing for £99 at Kiehl’s and Selfridges but it is limited edition so you’ll need to be quick if you want one for yourself or to gift to friend or family member!

What’s in the Kiehl’s advent calendar 2022?

Looking for a new advent calendar?[/caption]
  • 30ml Creme de Corps
  • 30ml Ultra Facial Cleanser
  • 28ml Ultra Facial Cream
  • 40ml Ultra Facial Toner
  • 7ml Super Multi-Corrective Cream
  • 14ml Rare Earth Deep Pore Cleansing Mask
  • 14ml Creamy Eye Treatment with Avocado
  • 75ml Calendula Herbal-Extract Toner
  • 4ml Daily Reviving Concentrate
  • 7ml Calendula Serum-Infused Water Cream
  • 4ml Midnight Recovery Concentrate
  • 30ml Ultimate Strength Hand Salve
  • 7ml Ultra Facial Oil-Free Gel Cream
  • 30ml Body Fuel All-in-One Energizing Wash
  • 15ml Facial Fuel Energizing Scrub
  • 15ml Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing Concentrate
  • 14ml Midnight Recovery Omega-Rich Cloud Cream
  • 40ml Midnight Recovery Botanical Cleansing Oil
  • 15ml Lip Balm #1
  • 3ml Super Multi-Corrective Eye Zone Treatment
  • 75ml Calendula Deep Cleansing Foaming Face Wash
  • 3ml Powerful-Strength Line-Reducing & Dark Circle-Diminishing Vitamin C Eye Serum
  • 10ml Retinol Skin-Renewing Daily Micro-Dose Serum
  • 5ml Avocado Nourishing Hydration Mask

Looking for something different? Check out our round up of the best Beauty Advent Calendars 2022 here.

How much is the Kiehl’s advent calendar?

The Kiehl’s advent calendar this year comes in at just under £100 for 24 skincare goodies each day of December.

That’s pretty good value to say that the 40ml Ultra Facial Toner costs £19 if you were to buy it on its own.

Where to buy the Kiehl’s advent calendar?

There are a couple retailers where the Kiehl’s advent calendar is available:

When is the Kiehl’s advent calendar going on sale?

The Kiehl’s advent calendar is on sale now, so if you’er all about a skincare product a day during December, then don’t waste any time in case it sells out.

When will my advent calendar be dispatched?

Now the calendar is on sale, it will be dispatched immediately and with standard shipping you’ll have it in your hands within three to five working days.

Want it sooner? You can get next day delivery or if you’re only free on weekends, opt for Saturday delivery.

How much is delivery?

Standard shipping usually costs £3 but is currently free, or if you’d like it sooner, next day delivery costs £6.95 and for a Saturday delivery you’ll see £9.95 added to your basket.

Aside from the delivery, you can choose three complimentary samples to add to your basket at checkout.

Are there any discounts?

If you sign up to the Kiehl’s newsletter, you’ll get a juicy 15 percent off your first purchase.

Students are also in luck, as with Unidays, they get a ten percent discount on everything on the Kiehl’s website.

And always make sure to check Sun Vouchers before buying anything for exclusive discounts.

New £29 face mask treatment launches to combat and soothe menopausal acne.

Save 15% off Facetheory anti-ageing serum getting rave reviews by beauty fans.

The best anti-ageing serums for 2022, tried and tested.

Want to find more savings on your online shopping? Then head to Sun Vouchers where you can get discounts and voucher codes on hundreds of top retailers including B&Q, Boots, Iceland, Lookfantastic, Dunelm, adidas and more.

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