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I was born with no collarbones and now I’m the shoulder clapping King

A MAN who was born with no collarbones is able to crush cans and clap his shoulders together.

Corey Bennett shows off his ‘party trick’ on TikTok and has garnered millions of likes on the site.

Corey Bennett has been posting videos on TikTok to raise awareness of his condition[/caption]
The TikToker is able to do this because of a condition called Cleidocranial Dysplasia[/caption]

The self-proclaimed ‘clapping King’ often gets requests from people to do bizarre things that show off his talent.

These have included asking him to run past the camera sideways while clapping his shoulders.

The TikToker is able to do this because of a condition called Cleidocranial Dysplasia.

It’s is a rare genetic condition that affects teeth and bones and in turn can have an impact on the spine, skull, collarbones and legs.

Read more on rare conditions


I have no collar bones & people are always stunned when I show them my ‘trick’


Man without collarbones claps his shoulders together on TikTok

People who suffer with the condition may have absent bones and can be more fragile than others who do not have it.

Corey, who lives in Indiana in the US has named himself the “king of shoulder clapping”.

In his most recent TikTok video, he responds to many of his followers who had asked him if he can crush a can between his collarbones.

He said: “So many people keep asking me to crush cans with my shoulders, I’ve done videos like that before but I got a bunch of new followers.

“So here it goes again.”

Corey then puts the empty can of Mountain Dew between his shoulder blades and crushes it.

In other clips, he also crushes an orange ‘for no reason at all’.

Corey, who likes in Indiana, US, has been posting videos to TikTok of him clapping his shoulder blades together and was previously asked by another user to post an explainer video detailing how he is able to do it.

He explained his condition to his followers, pointing to some of the side effects that can occur such as underdeveloped cheek bones, short stature and hearing loss.

He said: “I started the ‘shoulder clapping until I’m famous’ one day in my dorm room because I saw people doing different things with a series of days until they’re famous – so, boom, there was a good way of making content until I’m famous!”

Corey said that many people with the same condition as him have also reached out after seeing his videos online.

What is Cleidocranial Dysplasia?

Cleidocranial Dysplasia is a condition that primarily affects the development of the bones and teeth.

Individuals with cleidocranial dysplasia usually have underdeveloped or absent collarbones (clavicles). As a result, their shoulders are narrow and sloping, can be brought unusually close together in front of the body, and in some cases the shoulders can be made to meet in the middle of the body.

Affected individuals may be 3 to 6 inches shorter than other members of their family, and may have:

  • short, tapered fingers and broad thumbs;
  • short forearms;
  • flat feet;
  • knock knees; and
  • an abnormal curvature of the spine

Characteristic facial features may include:

  • a wide, short skull (brachycephaly);
  • a prominent forehead;
  • wide-set eyes (hypertelorism);
  • a flat nose
  • small upper jaw

Dental abnormalities seen in cleidocranial dysplasia may include:

  • delayed loss of the primary (baby) teeth;
  • delayed appearance of the secondary (adult) teeth;
  • unusually shaped, peg-like teeth;
  • misalignment of the teeth and jaws (malocclusion); and
  • extra teeth, sometimes accompanied by cysts in the gums

He also said that many people have sent him messages of positivity for raising awareness of the condition, but highlighted that there are some people that still post rude comments.

Another TikToker also recently revealed that she also has the condition.

Mum Danielle said she was also born with the condition.

It’s the same illness that Stranger Things star Gaten Matarazzo has and usually affects the teeth and bones, such as the skull, face, spine, collarbones and legs.

Sharing her trick online she said: “When someone asks what I bring to the table…I have no collarbones trick works every time.”

She is then able to put her arms out right in front of her and close them together with no space in between – which is where your collarbones would usually get in the way.

People who suffer with the condition may have absent bones and can be more fragile than others who do not have it.

Read More on The Sun


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Stranger Things star Matarazzo has had several surgeries for the rare bone disorder.

He plays Dustin in the hit Netflix series and in January 2020 had what he said would hopefully be the ‘last surgery he needs’.

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