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Gemma Collins says she looks ’10 years younger’ after face-sculpting massage

GEMMA Collins says she looks “10 years younger” after a face-sculpting massage. The self-confessed diva, 39, showed off her chiselled face after having a treatment from FaceGym. Gemma’s face looked slimmer than ever and even said the treatment has made her look like she’s in her 20s again. Extremely happy with the results, Gemma whipped […]

GEMMA Collins says she looks “10 years younger” after a face-sculpting massage.

The self-confessed diva, 39, showed off her chiselled face after having a treatment from FaceGym.

Gemma Collins looked better than ever after receiving a face workout at FaceGym

Gemma’s face looked slimmer than ever and even said the treatment has made her look like she’s in her 20s again.

Extremely happy with the results, Gemma whipped out her phone and told her 2m Instagram followers: “Guys if you haven’t been to FaceGym, sorry I’m not being paid to advertise this, it’s just pure love.

“Incredible. You’re amazing hunny. Look at this. They do a work out on your face – I look 10 years younger just from the massage!”

Whilst pointing out how chiseled her face looked, Gemma added: “Guys look!”

The diva showed off her slim face to her 2m followers on Instagram
The reality star looked absolutely glowing after her treatment

During the treatment the bubbly blonde said the beautician used “cutting-edge technology to tone and tighten” the muscles in her face with “high energy kneading movements”.

Gemma is no stranger to fancy expensive treatments which will enhance her beauty and regularly tells her fans all about them on Instagram.

Last week she said she felt “brand new” after having the fat in her chin dissolved with £350 injection.

She hit back at fans who accused her of using Instagram filters to achieve her flawless photos and revealed her secret skincare treatments, saying “yes my face has changed, but I’m feeling good.”

Gemma recently had the fat in her chin dissolved to enhance her natural face shape

Gemma told fans: “I just wanted to show you that this is me, this is how I look. There’s been a few comments recently about filters but I have been having amazing face treatments done.

“Moisturising, skin tightening, I had a little injection in my chin to take some fat out of my chin. It’s all been done by the London Aesthetics company.

“I’ve been seeing a lot of people saying ‘you’ve got a filter’. Honey, this ain’t no filter! This is me. My authentic self. I have just been looking after myself a lot recently and loving myself. I’m a Queen at the end of the day. This is how I look. There is no filter on here. This is a normal video.”

She added: “Yes my face has changed a bit but for the better. I’ve lost weight. I’m feeling good, I’ve got time to look after myself. I’ve had lots of treatments at the London Aesthetics company. And I feel brand new.”

Fans have commented on photos claiming that her face shape has changed

Earlier this month she also told fans about a painful “jawline tightening” that she had to make herself look permanently contoured.

And in less than two years, Gemma has undergone £8,366 worth of treatments to alter the way her face looks.

Just yesterday the reality star showed off not only her thin face, but her incredibly slim waist in pink pyjamas after her three stone weight loss.

In the past, the TV diva has turned to brutal diets, controversial ‘skinny jabs’ and even a £5,000-a-week ‘juice camp’ in a bid to shed the pounds.

Instagram / gemmacollins
Gemma has totally transformed herself over the past year and looks stunning [/caption]

But she puts her current weight loss down to the controversial weight loss injections after last year The Sun Online revealed the star was on a new weight loss plan with ‘skinny jabs‘.

The jabs – which cost up to £250 for a four-week programme – act as an appetite suppressant and contain liraglutide.

Gemma has been criticised for her choice of weight loss method but the Essex girl has praised specialists for helping her shed the weight.

Speaking out about the treatment, she told fans: “They have transformed my whole life with regards to dieting.”

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