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How to Defeat Metal Snake in Serious Sam 4 (Boss Guide)

The Saggitarian Sidewinder returns for Serious Sam 4 as a boss encounter. To defeat it, players will need to run and dodge its devastating attacks.

Like previous entries in the franchise, Serious Sam 4 takes players on another wild adventure through more and more improbable monsters that can only be taken out by the heaviest possible artillery. The game only just launched, receiving mixed reviews from critics. This time, Sam and his military friends set out to save Europe from an alien invasion by seeking the Holy Grail. Along the way, they fight many mechanical monsters and, true to form, spend a lot of time running and shooting. The fourth installment of the nostalgic series adds a new Dual Wield weapons class and a skill tree for players to master as they enter arenas and fight off aliens and machines.

Related: Serious Sam 4 Review: Seriously Improved

During the game, players will come face-to-face with some difficult boss fights, including one against a giant, mechanical flying Metal Snake, the Saggitarian Sidewinder. This creature will tunnel through the ground when the player meets Jones and Rodriguez during the Death from Below mission. While players will encounter this boss while surrounded by these key allies, allies are not controllable and are virtually indestructible, and while they do some damage through AI, the bulk of the fighting will come from the player as Sam instead. For this reason, players will need to be careful when taking on the Metal Snake and run around with it to stay clear of its attacks. Here's how to fight the Metal Snake boss in Serious Sam 4 to avoid taking too much damage.

As is tradition with the Serious Sam series, most of the boss fights will require players to keep moving around the arena and aim for the monster at all times with larger guns. Jones will supply Sam with a massive gun that belongs to Hellfire. The player should use this for the entire boss fight unless they have better explosive weapons they can use. Saggitarian Sidewinders are known to be vulnerable to exploding arrows and rocket launchers.

If players have it, using a Serious Damage power-up item can help defeat the boss more quickly. The creature has a large health pool, so the more damage the player can do to it quickly, the better. Players will also want to be sure to grab extra health from the parachutes that will float around following a drone strike.

The Metal Snake will launch drones at the player which will explode on impact. That is its only attack, so the easiest thing for players to do is dodge by running alongside the creature, or use a shield.

The Saggitarian Sidewinder flies around the arena for several seconds at a time before disappearing behind buildings. It will repeat this attack pattern multiple times. Players should use the time when the creature has disappeared to get as close to the edge of the arena as possible to get a good view of it, and then follow the snake on its path through the air. Players will be safest running beside the creature during its flight and firing incessantly at it. Alternatively, it may help to stay as far from the snake as possible to see exactly where the drones will land, then run out of the way before they make impact.

If players are confident in their aim, they can shoot the drones to prevent them from landing and exploding. This will likely extend the fight, however. Once the Metal Snake has been defeated, it will explode, like most things in the series. Players will then be introduced to Hellfire and Carter and can continue their high-octane adventuring.

Next: Serious Sam 4 Interview With Damjan Mravunac & Daniel Lucic

Serious Sam 4 is available for PC. The game will launch on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2021.

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