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Naya Rivera’s mum drops to her knees and ex Ryan Dorsey wades into water in grief at dock where Glee star disappeared

THE family of Glee star Naya Rivera were united in grief on Saturday as they tried to connect with the missing actress. Naya’s mum, Yolanda Rivera, was pictured kneeling in front of Lake Piru in Ventura, California, where her daughter is believed to have drowned on Wednesday. Naya’s ex-husband, Ryan Dorsey, joined the emotional scenes, […]

THE family of Glee star Naya Rivera were united in grief on Saturday as they tried to connect with the missing actress.

Naya’s mum, Yolanda Rivera, was pictured kneeling in front of Lake Piru in Ventura, California, where her daughter is believed to have drowned on Wednesday.

Yolanda Nivera and Mychal Rivera look out at the lake in desperation

Naya’s ex husband Ryan Dorsey looks out to the lake with Naya’s brother Mychal Rivera[/caption]

Ryan Dorsey appears to be in tears during the emotional scene[/caption]

The family waded together in the lake where Naya went missing[/caption]

Naya’s dad and her ex embraced as they led the tribute for the missing actress

Naya’s brother embraced another family member at the scene[/caption]

Ryan Dorsey embraces Naya’s cousin in the water

Naya’s emotional cousin stands joined the family at the Californian lake[/caption]

George Rivera wades through the water at Lake Piru[/caption]

Naya’s ex-husband, Ryan Dorsey, joined the emotional scenes, wading through the water in tears.

He was reunited with Naya’s dad, George Rivera and her brother Mychal, who entered the water fully clothed in attempt to reach the missing star.

Together, the family took a boat out onto the water, joining the desperate search for Naya.

Ex Ryan was seen crying on the lakeside as other members walked at the beauty spot with heavy hearts.

It comes after footage of the underwater hunt for Rivera was released as investigators revealed it could take up to five days to find her body.

The search for 33-year-old Rivera entered its fourth day on Saturday following her disappearance while she was out boating on Lake Piru in Ventura, California, with her four-year-old son.

Ventura County Sheriff’s Department shared footage of the “difficult” search for the missing actress on Twitter on Friday night.

“Here’s an example of the underwater visibility at a 30-foot depth in Lake Piru,” the Sheriff’s Department tweeted.

The family took a boat out on the lake in search for their daughter, sister and cousin[/caption]

Ryan Dorsey sat in tears by the lakeside[/caption]

Naya’s mum and brother walk with heavy hearts at the beauty spot

Police shared footage of the underwater hunt for Naya Rivera
Ventura County Sheriff Department

Rivera has been missing since Wednesday

Naya Rivera with her mum Yolanda[/caption]

Rivera’s family having held a prayer service as her mum remains ‘frightened’ over cops’ belief missing Glee star is dead[/caption]

As there is almost zero visibility in the lake, divers are resorting to search by feel, which means it could be several days before crews locate her body, Eric Buschow, Ventura County Sheriff’s Office spokesman said at a press conference Friday evening.

“We don’t know if she’s going to be found five minutes from now or five days from now, so we’re still going to be continuing this effort,” he said.

“The visibility in the water is one to two feet,” Buschow added.

Officials are using a solar system to hunt for her body.

“It’s very effective,” he said of the sonar system.

Actress Naya Rivera is presumed dead[/caption]

Getty Images - Getty
Naya’s young son Josey was found alone on the boat[/caption]

4-year-old Josey said his mum ‘jumped into the water but didn’t come back up’ in haunting words to cops as they searched for her.

Officials tweeted out the video footage
Ventura County Sheriff Department

The search and recovery operation for missing US actress Naya Rivera

“They get a really detailed image and they can go down and focus on specific things rather than putting divers in the water where they’re literally feeling around because they can’t see.”

The search has been severely hampered by the poor visibility of the lake’s murky waters.

Rivera is presumed to have drowned at the southern California lake on Wednesday and a search and recovery operation has been underway for the past few days.

Naya’s four-year-old son, who was found alone on a rented boat, told investigators his mum “jumped into the water but didn’t come back up”.

Josey is now safe with family members. The boy’s father is Ryan Dorsey – who Naya divorced in 2018 and stars in the hit crime drama Ray Donovan.

Distraught fans tweeted for the sheriff’s department to keep looking for Naya.

“Please don’t stop looking for her I beg you,” pleaded one user while another said: “Y’all need to be out on boats with flashlights!”

Josey is the only child of Naya’s marriage to Ryan Dorsey[/caption]

Represented by ZUMA Press, Inc.
A search and rescue mission is taking place on the lake for Naya[/caption]

Rivera went missing while she was out boating with her son
AP:Associated Press

The search and recovery operation is difficult due to poor visibility in the lake

Divers have been searching underwater for Rivera

Eric Buschow gives a press conference
AP:Associated Press

A man who identified himself as Josey’s grandfather, believed to be Ryan’s dad, 65-year-old Arnold Dorsey, was at her mother Yolanda’s home in Valencia with the family on Friday.

Visibly upset, he told The Sun: “We are sad, we just wish they could find her so we can have some closure.”

Asked how her young son is coping, he replied: “We still have good days [with him], I can’t make any other comment at this time.”

Another member of the household was heard shouting, “We are sad,” as little Josey heartbreakingly asked for his grandfather, telling him: “Come on papa.”
Asked how her young son is coping, he replied: “We still have good days [with him], I can’t make any other comment at this time.”
Another member of the household was heard shouting, “We are sad,” as little Josey heartbreakingly asked for his grandfather, telling him: “Come on papa.”

Search and rescue diver Robert Inglis told DailyMailTV Rivera could have dived into the water from her boat and hit her head on one of the branches, shrubs and rocks beneath the surface.

He said: “People have broken their necks before. It’s happened in pools quite frequently, it can happen in lakes as well.”If you go into some coves you could have 3ft off bottom and not even see it until you jumped in.

“There are places [like that] with the lake when you start to get more north because that’s where the shallow part of the lake is.

“There’s a lot of brush, you have these trees that are there and they do stick up.”

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