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Can you name the iconic movies in this tricky brain teaser from the cartoon gardens?

RECKON you are a top movie buff and could identify a film from a single image? A tricky new puzzle is testing film-fans to see if they can guess the classic movie based on a single cartoon image of a garden or natural scene. 1. There are 10 graphics in the film series by Hayes […]

RECKON you are a top movie buff and could identify a film from a single image?

A tricky new puzzle is testing film-fans to see if they can guess the classic movie based on a single cartoon image of a garden or natural scene.


Hayes Garden World
Can you guess which magical film these dark trees are from? [/caption]

There are 10 graphics in the film series by Hayes Garden World, and they celebrate some of the most iconic landscapes throughout cinematic history. 

See if you can use the subtle clues in each nature-themed scene to work out which film it is from. 

A little hint is that the first five gardens are from children’s classic movies and the second five are from ones for slightly older viewers. 

Scroll down to see the answers at the bottom if you need a helping hand…


Hayes Garden World
These bushes have been shaped to perfection by a talented pruner [/caption]


Hayes Garden World
What mysteries lie behind this hidden door?[/caption]


Hayes Garden World
Nothing is as it seems in this land full of colourful flowers and characters[/caption]


Hayes Garden World
You might want to eat everything in sight in this tasty-looking realm[/caption]


Hayes Garden World
The central scene of this movie plot takes place around some fountains[/caption]


Hayes Garden World
If you sit on this bench for long enough, you might meet a very interesting and loveable character[/caption]


Hayes Garden World
Do you recognise this fig tree of the monstrous toad that is lurking in its roots?[/caption]


Hayes Garden World
You may have a horrific time in this labyrinth of hedges found at a spooky hotel[/caption]


Hayes Garden World
Do you know which romantic scene takes place in this temple?[/caption]


Children’s film posters: 

  1. The Forbidden Forest – Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

The poster hints at the iconic scene where Harry conjures a stag Patronus to fend off the dementors.

  1. Castle Garden – Edward Scissorhands

Edward’s iconic castle garden is shown at the start and end of the film and highlights his incredible ability to shape hedges with his scissor hands.

  1. Fountains Abbey, Yorkshire – The Secret Garden

Both the 1993 and 2020 film adaptation of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel used gardens in Fountains Abbey to recreate the mythical hidden garden.

  1. The Flowers – Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland

Alice meets a number of talking flowers as she explores wonderland and they mistake her for a wildflower that can move.

  1. Willy Wonka’s Garden – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka’s edible garden features everything a child could dream of, from a chocolate river and boiled-sweet boat to candy cane trees.

Adult film posters:

  1. Stokesay Court Fountain – Atonement

Ian McEwan’s ill-fated romance centres around the characters’ different interpretations of an incident at the family’s garden fountain. All the exterior and interior shots of the Tallis family home, including the fountain scene, were filmed at Stokesay Court in Shropshire. 

  1. Savannah History Museum garden – Forrest Gump

The iconic bench where Forrest shares his life story is in the garden of Savannah History Museum, Georgia, United States

  1. The Fig Tree – Pan’s Labyrinth

Ophelia is sent on a quest by the faun to free the fig tree of the monstrous toad that is lurking in its roots and feeding off it. 

  1. Hedge Maze – The Shining

Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 film adaptation of the shining featured a labyrinth of hedges found at the Overlook Hotel. The 1977 novel and the 1997 miniseries versions of The Shining use moving topiary animals in place of the maze.

  1. Stourhead Garden Pride and Prejudice

Darcy first proposes to Elizabeth when seeking shelter from the pouring rain in the Apollo Temple in Stourhead Garden, England.

Meanwhile, a challenging brainteaser asks you to spot a tiny heart among the flowers – how long will it take you?

Fancy another challenge? There are 16 movies hidden in these maths puzzles, can you find them all?

And can you spot the odd one out in this bird themed brainteaser?

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