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Новости от TheMoneytizer

Ant McPartlin and girlfriend Anne-Marie look more loved-up than ever as they go incognito in their masks on a day out

ANT McPartlin and his girlfriend Anne-Marie Corbett could barely keep their hands off each other as they enjoyed a day of shopping. The Britain’s Got Talent star and his new love, both 44, were spotted in Wimbledon canoodling and laughing together as they stopped by a local restaurant for supplies. Donning face masks and applying […]

ANT McPartlin and his girlfriend Anne-Marie Corbett could barely keep their hands off each other as they enjoyed a day of shopping.

The Britain’s Got Talent star and his new love, both 44, were spotted in Wimbledon canoodling and laughing together as they stopped by a local restaurant for supplies.

Ant and Anne-Marie couldn’t get their hands of each other as they go shopping in London
Splash News

Donning face masks and applying hand sanitiser, the loved-up couple practiced social distancing from others but were all over each other on the sunny Tuesday.

Both dressed casually for the outing, Anne-Marie in with her blonde hair tied back in a loose bun, plastic gloves, long sleeved grey Hot!Mess cotton top, ripped denim shorts and Adidas slides.

She also rocked gold frame aviator sunglasses as she stared lovingly at her famous boyfriend.

Ant wore grey tracksuit shorts, a black t-shirt and matching cap, and topped off the look with a pair of slip on Vans sneakers.

The couple stopped at a local restaurant for supplies
Splash News

They were very responsible, applying hand sanitiser, wearing face masks and bringing reusable shopping bags
Splash News

They walked hand in hand as they laid on the PDA
Splash News

Ant, 44, looked toned in a black t-shirt and grey shorts
Splash News

The responsible pair brought reusable shopping bags which they loaded with essentials before heading back home.

Ant and Anne-Mare are isolating in style in their £6million home.

The Britain’s Got Talent star – who recently finalised his divorce from Lisa Armstrong – is in lockdown at the seven-bedroom pad with Anne-Marie and her two kids from a previous marriage.

Anne-Marie, 44 – the former PA to Ant and his ex-wife Lisa – moved into the house at the end of last year.

Anne-Marie moved in with Ant late last year
Getty - Contributor

A source said: “The property is perfect for them.

“It has everything they want and marks an important milestone in their relationship together.

“It’s close to parks and open spaces to walk labrador Hurley and is in a lovely area for the children.”

Ant and ex Lisa, 43, still own a £5million pad in West London – though she plans to sell it for a fresh start.

A source said the couple will likely get married
Splash News

She lives there and is said to have been offered it by Ant as part of any future divorce settlement.

The makeup artist formally ended her 12-year marriage to Ant, 44, earlier this month, leaving Ant free to marry his “rock” Anne-Marie.

A source said: “It’s been an extremely difficult road with a lot of heartache and unpleasantness, but it’s finally done. It’s over.

“Ant’s been desperate to start the next chapter of his life and at least now he and Anne-Marie can plan for the future. It won’t be long before they are married.”

Ant is divorcing make-up artist Lisa Armstrong



Ant recently stopped by his former home to pick up their labrador Hurley, of whom they both share custody.

The presenter appeared overjoyed as he collected the chocolate labrador from ex Lisa’s house last week amid their £31million divorce.

Ant was pictured bending down to Hurley as they reunited on the street.

He lovingly embraced the dog before Hurley playfully jumped up at him in delight.


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