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Selling Sunset: A Breakdown of Christine & Co-Stars’ Engagement Rings

From Christine Quinn's rock to Mary Fitzgerald's gemstone turned diamond, we've rounded up all of the flashy engagement rings from Selling Sunset.

Whether it’s Christine Quinn’s trendy marquise-cut engagement ring or Chrishell Strause elegant Emerald cut, almost all of the elite real estate agents of Netflix’s docu-soap series, Selling Sunset don some kind of sparkler on their left hand. But, (sadly for those who are diamond-obsessed) it seems like the Laguna Beach-style show has too much drama to cover instead of focusing on the glitz and glam of these engagement rings - except for when Mary Fitzgerald was given Moissanite versus a diamond. Don’t worry we’ll get into that later. 

Related: Selling Sunset 2: What We Know About Christine Quinn’s Gothic Wedding

From color, size to style, the engagement rings on Netflix’s hot and sexy drama-filled series, Selling Sunset, are totally blinding. Chrsitine Quinn (who debuted her engagement ring on the new season), Mary Fitzgerald, Chrishell Strause (who unfortunately is no longer sporting her ring after split from Justin Hartley), and Maya Vander all have wow-worthy rocks. Yet these sparklers get the least amount of air time, except for maybe Fitzgerald’s ring. So, if you’re dying to know more about these engagement rings we did a little digging and found some up close and personal shots of these flashy rocks.

Mary Fitzgerald

There has been a lot of talk (or should we say drama) around Fitzgerald’s engagement ring, because her (now husband) Romain Bonnet proposed with a Moissanite gemstone, instead of a luxe diamond. This is a major no no, since these high-end and stylish gals are selling million dollar listings. Bonnet learned his lesson quickly, and eventually swapped the gemstone with a cushion-cut diamond accessorized with a halo setting to add some extra sparkle (it’s pictured below). 

Christine Quinn

As for the other most talked about ring from Selling Sunset, Christine Quinn’s diamond was a shock to everyone. She went from being a solo diva to officially off the market fast and flashed a gorgeous marquise-cut diamond on the very first episode of the new season. The unique cut is also set on a diamond-filled band making the engagement ring a total show-stopper. Totally fitting for Quinn’s flashy and trendsetting style. You can get a better look at the ring from the Instagram post below, which she posted after her one-of-a-kind red-and-black engagement party.  

Chrishell Strause

So far on Selling Sunset, Chrishell Strause is still married to This is Us star, Justin Hartley and therefore is still sporting her chic engagement ring. She wears an emerald-cut diamond accessorized with a pave diamond band and prong setting. Since the show has aired, Strause and Hartley have filed for divorce and it looks like viewers will get to see more of that breakup in season 3, which will air later this Summer. Get a closer look at her rock in the post below: 

Maya Vander

Lastly, fan-favorite Maya Vander also wears quite a rock on her left hand. She's been happily married to her husband since before Season 1 was filmed and is pretty quiet in giving any details about their relationship. They share one child (with another on the way) and from her Instagram is looks like she wears some sort of cushion-cut diamond set in a double pave diamond band. After the birth of their baby boy, who gets a little air time on the new season, she posted the adorable family photo (pictured below) where you can get a sneak peak at her engagement ring and wedding band. 

All in all, no matter the style or setting, these engagement rings definitely fit the style of these sassy and cutthroat real estate agents. Check out the new season on Netflix to get up to date with all the drama of the realtors working in The Oppenheim Group.

Next: Selling Sunset 2: Scottie Pippen's Ex-Wife Larsa Pippen Looks For Home

Source: @themaryfitzgerald@thechristinequinn@chrishell.stause@themayavander

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