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Teen Mom Maci Bookout slammed for insisting son Bentley, 11, cut calories and stick to ‘strict diet’ for wrestling match

TEEN Mom fans can’t believe that Maci Bookout is insisting her 11-year-old son Bentley cut out carbs and be on a strict diet as he prepares for a wrestling match. Fans believed she was being too tough on him and could potentially cause him to develop an unhealthy relationship with food. In a preview clip […]

TEEN Mom fans can’t believe that Maci Bookout is insisting her 11-year-old son Bentley cut out carbs and be on a strict diet as he prepares for a wrestling match.

Fans believed she was being too tough on him and could potentially cause him to develop an unhealthy relationship with food.

Maci Bookout recently came under fire after saying Bentley is on a strict diet[/caption]

Bentley was upset that his mom wanted to give him a salad when he asked for chicken[/caption]

Fans were very upset over Maci’s claims[/caption]

In a preview clip for tonight’s episode of Teen Mom OG, Maci decided to take Bentley for a private lesson with a coach so he can be able to reach state championships.

She can be heard explaining as the clip shows Bentley wrestling with his coach: “But wrestling has been a great outlet for him and he really wants to make it to the state tournament, so I got him a private lesson.

“He has to stick to a diet to make his weight class if he wants to achieve his goal.”

Maci had gotten him private lessons with a coach[/caption]

However, things get a little complicated when Bentley asked Maci for food and said he wanted to eat grilled chicken.

She, instead, offered him a salad and told him: “You have lost your mind. He weighs 75 pounds so he’s on a very strict, good, healthy calorie diet. Lots of water and workouts to actually cut out weight.”

Bentley reminded his coach that he was on a 1,000 calorie diet.

Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards questioned what would happen to his growth[/caption]

Despite Maci being strict with his meals and Bently trying to stick to his diet while visiting his dad, Ryan and Mackenzie Edwards question how he could be strong if he’s trying to lose weight.

Mackenzie asked him: “How can you be stronger and not weak when you’re cutting that much weight?”

While Ryan questioned him: “So why aren’t you trying to gain weight? You need to gaining weight.
“You know what’s going to happen? You’re going to stunt your growth. And then when it’s time to get bigger, you’re going to be a late bloomer and it’s going to suck for you.”

Some fans claimed she was too rough with him[/caption]


Others were shocked he couldn’t even eat chicken[/caption]

Some fans quickly took to the comments to slam Maci for making her son stick to a strict diet, instead of giving him the nutrients he needs to grow.

One fan wrote: “Seems like she’s pushing him too hard. Strict dieting at a young age and making it seem like he needs to be perfect can cause a lot of problems down the road.”

Another one condemned her and told her to let him “be a kid,” while another one was shocked he couldn’t “have chicken.”

Some fans even agreed with Ryan Edwards[/caption]

Some fans even claimed that it was disgusting she would have her kid on a diet[/caption]

Shockingly enough, some fans even sided with Ryan this time.

One fan wrote: “Ok, so maybe Ryan’s delivery wasn’t the best, but it’s crazy to make a skinny [11] year old be on a strict 1000 calorie/day diet – salad and water? To lose weight? That’s not ok.”

While another one wrote: “Maci acts like she’s the coach. I’m not a big fan of Ryan but this time I agree with him, why would you want your child to lose weight at 11 years old.
“Sports are good for kids but losing weight when you’re not even big, it’s disgusting that they put pressure on kids like that.”

Getty Images
Maci Bookout recently dropped her restraining order against Ryan Edwards[/caption]

Maci and Ryan have been exploring how to properly co-parent during this season of Teen Mom OG and it seems like it might be easier now as she just dropped her restraining order against him.

A Tennessee court clerk exclusively confirmed to The Sun that neither party filed to extend the restraining order, which expired on May 21, 2020.

In March 2018, Maci filed a protection order against Ryan.

She also listed their son Bentley, 11, and her two children, Jayde, 4, and Maverick, 3, with husband Taylor McKinney.

Maci claimed in her protection order request: “He has left voicemail messages threatening to show up at my house and take my son. He has made threats to show up and hurt me if I don’t answer my phone.”

Maci is currently married to Taylor McKinney[/caption]

The two have two kids together

She alleged that during Bentley’s baseball game in May 2017, Ryan “showed up under the influence of heroin and got in my face, yelling and threatening to hurt me.”

The MTV star continued to claim: “His behavior and actions are getting worse. I am fearful for my three children and myself, and what he may do, based on his threats.”

Maci’s husband also filed a protection order against Ryan, claiming he threatened to “put a bullet in [his] head.”

Taylor, 31, also alleged: “The police were called and they suggested to seek an order of protection. He has also said he would show up at our son’s baseball game and confront us, my wife and I.”

Ryan and Maci share Bentley

Refer to Caption
Ryan is now married to Mackenzie and they also share two kids[/caption]


On May 21, 2018, a two-year restraining order was granted to protect Maci, Taylor and their two children.

Bentley was dropped from the order.

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