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COP29 president blames rich countries for 'imperfect' deal

Paris (AFP) Nov 26, 2024
The tough-fought finance deal at UN climate negotiations was "imperfect", the Azerbaijan COP29 leadership has admitted, seeking to blame richer countries for an outcome slammed by poorer nations as insulting. The contentious deal agreed on Sunday saw wealthy polluters agree to a $300 billion a year pledge to help developing countries reduce emissions and prepare for the increasingly danger


Autos, food: What are the risks from Trump's tariff threat?

Washington (AFP) Nov 26, 2024
Fresh US tariffs on Canada and Mexico could raise costs of automobiles and building materials, analysts said Tuesday, after President-elect Donald Trump threatened to erect new trade barriers. Similarly, further tariff hikes on China could add to consumer prices, as the United States is still reliant on the world's second biggest economy for goods like electronics and batteries. What pro


French lawmakers back Macron in rejecting EU-Mercosur deal

Paris (AFP) Nov 26, 2024
French lawmakers on Tuesday overwhelmingly backed President Emmanuel Macron in rejecting a free-trade deal between the EU and South America's Mercosur bloc, saying it would hurt France's farmers. By a vote of 484 to 70, the lower-house National Assembly approved the government's opposition to the deal "in its current form", in a non-binding vote. "Under the current conditions" the draft


Trump threatens trade war on Mexico, Canada, China

Washington (AFP) Nov 27, 2024
China and Mexico lashed out Tuesday after Donald Trump threatened to begin his presidency with an immediate trade war against the top three US economic partners. Trump made his threat in social media posts, announcing huge import tariffs against neighbors Canada and Mexico and also rival China if they don't stop illegal immigration and drug smuggling into the United States. China respond


To tackle plastic scourge, Philippines makes companies pay

Manila (AFP) Nov 27, 2024
Long one of the world's top sources of ocean plastic, the Philippines is hoping new legislation requiring big companies to pay for waste solutions will help clean up its act. Last year, its "Extended Producer Responsibility" (EPR) statute came into force - the first in Southeast Asia to impose penalties on companies over plastic waste. The experiment has shown both the promise and the p


'Very, very slow': plastic treaty talks grind forward

Busan, South Korea (AFP) Nov 27, 2024
Negotiations on a first global treaty to curb plastic pollution are moving "very, very slowly", diplomats and observers told AFP on Wednesday, threatening the chances of reaching an agreement. Delegates from nearly 200 countries are meeting in South Korea's Busan with the goal of reaching a deal by December 1, after two years of talks. But the first full day of work in four "contact grou


Environmentalists slam lobbyist influence on plastic talks

Busan, South Korea (AFP) Nov 27, 2024
Environmental groups on Wednesday slammed the presence of dozens of petrochemical and fossil fuel industry lobbyists at UN talks on a plastic pollution treaty, accusing them of "obstruction" and "misinformation." "It's a direct conflict of interest," said Delphine Levi Alvares, global petrochemical campaign coordinator at the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL). "Their inte


Chinese island plastic pollution turned into artistic omens

Miaodao Archipelago, China (AFP) Nov 27, 2024
As storm clouds gathered on a forgotten beach in China's Miaodao islands, artist Fu Junsheng picked his way through piles of plastic waste washed up along the shoreline, looking for inspiration. China is the world's largest plastic producer, and the islands - a niche tourist destination - sit in the cross-stream of several highly developed eastern peninsulas. Every squall brings fresh


Brazil court tackles social media rules; Meta media lawsuit set for Oct '25, Zuck kisses the ring

Brasilia (AFP) Nov 27, 2024
Brazil's Supreme Court on Wednesday started examining four cases that turn on how far social media should be regulated, and what responsibilities platforms have in cracking down on illegal content. The judicial review comes a month after the same court forced Elon Musk's X platform to obey rulings aimed at battling online disinformation. That issue has taken on heat in recent days in Bra


Future of deep-sea mining stands at a crucial juncture

United Nations, United States (AFP) Nov 27, 2024
Torn between the defenders of the world's seabeds and industrialists eager to exploit the vast, untapped resources of the deep, the international community faces a crucial year that could decide the future of mining in the high seas. "It feels like a real crunch point," Louisa Casson of Greenpeace International told AFP. "We are seeing surging momentum for a moratorium (on deep-sea mini


China advances coordinated strategies to tackle PM2.5 and ozone pollution

Sydney, Australia (SPX) Nov 27, 2024
A new special issue of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters highlights recent progress by China's leading scientists in understanding and addressing the challenges of urban air pollution. The focus is on the interconnected control of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ground-level ozone (O3), the two primary pollutants degrading air quality and threatening public health in urban regions.


What benefits do hybrid mutual funds offer to investors

Most of the hybrid fund categories mentioned above are taxed as equity funds. Investments held for less than a year attract a short-term capital gains tax of 20%, while those held for over a year are subject to a reduced long-term capital gains tax of 12.5%.


Anna Magnani Biopic ‘Anna’ Feting Iconic Italian Actress In Works At Italy’s Indiana Production

EXCLUSIVE: A biopic devoted to legendary Italian Rome, Open City and The Rose Tattoo actress Anna Magnani is in development at Indiana Production, the Milan and Rome-based company behind Netflix’s upcoming period drama The Leopard. Entitled Anna, the production will be directed by Alessio Cremonini (On My Skin), who is also co-writing the screenplay with actress Olivia Magnani, grand-daughter of the late […]


Himalayas formation may have destroyed at least 30% of continental crust in collision zone

Earth's continents are slowly moving across the planet's surface due to plate tectonics, culminating in regions of crustal expansion and collision. In the latter case, high temperatures and pressures lead to the reworking of the crust, affecting its composition, as well as that of the underlying mantle. Furthermore, when two continental plates collide, distinct topographic features are produced, namely mountain ranges, which are surficial manifests of Earth's thickened crust.

Technology Review  

The Download: uncertainty over NASA’s moon rocket, and what’s next for nuclear

This is today’s edition of The Download, our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what’s going on in the world of technology. What’s next for NASA’s giant moon rocket? NASA’s huge lunar rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS), might be in trouble. As rival launchers like SpaceX’s Starship gather pace, some are questioning the need…

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Депутаты Белогорска оценили будущую стройплощадку школы в микрорайоне Амурсельмаш

Теннисист Карен Хачанов проиграл Циципасу во втором круге турнира в Дубае

Слуцкий объяснил, почему важно обсуждать реабилитацию бойцов СВО

Рдея ждёт поддержки Москвы! Откровения из обители на болотах, которую мы можем потерять

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Добровинский сообщил, что Алсу ждет сюрприз

Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

Социальный фонд выплатит остатки материнского капитала менее 10 тысяч рублей

Консультант Поэта. Консультирование Поэта.

Новости России

Подрядчик крупного проекта на острове Русском заплатит за расторжение договора

Владикавказ включает модное радио

"Лейпциг" вышел в полуфинал Кубка Германии

«Гуси-лебеди»: новая книга из серии «Детективное агентство ХРУМ»

Экология в России и мире

Горячее тесто нельзя?! Гастроэнтеролог Садыков разрушил миф

Доктор Кутушов объяснил, что происходит с кишечником во время стресса

Истинные виновники ходжалинской трагедии

Владикавказ включает модное радио

Спорт в России и мире

Стало известно, где будет тренироваться Янник Синнер в период дисквалификации за допинг

Дубай (ATP). 1-й круг. Хачанов встретится с Эвансом, Циципас – с Сонего, Баутиста-Агут сыграет с Марожаном

Андрей Рублёв: нейтральное эмоциональное состояние и работа с психологом

Карен Хачанов: «Если сыновья захотят играть теннис, то как я могу не помочь?»


Ковбои Владимирской области)

«Байкал Сервис» на 15% увеличил объемы отправок грузов с Дальнего Востока

Терминал сбора данных (ТСД) промышленного класса SAOTRON RT42G

Новинки StarLine E7 LTE GPS и S7 GPS: когда все в плюсе!

Топ новостей на этот час


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Проблему часто ломающихся лифтов в России намерены решить новыми ГОСТами

Поддельное молоко обнаружили в Забайкалье

Ледовые шоу «Масленица» представят на площадке проекта «Зима в Москве»