A MUM has revealed how she was able to totally transform her dated kitchen for just £60.
Kaylee Thomas, from Llanelli, Wales, took to the Facebook group Extreme Couponing and Bargains, run by money saving mum Holly Smith, to share her dramatic before and after snaps.
Before her makeover Kaylee Thomas’ kitchen was far from her dream spaceFacebook/ Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK
Ahead of the makeover Kaylee’s kitchen was far from her dream, with oak cabinets and faux marble worktops.
However, after her handiwork the space is hardly recognisable thanks to cupboard paint and worktop stickers making it look like a whole new room.
Captioning her snaps she wrote: “Thanks to the people who posted about the fablon and painting cupboards. Just done my kitchen for around £60. Floor next…
“Everything is from B&Q – White wood effect fablon, Sandtex exterior paint in cloudy day. Painters touch in silver for the handles.”
But after spending just £60, she had completely transformed the roomFacebook/ Extreme Couponing and Bargains UKShe used Fablon to breathe new life into her worktopsFacebook/ Extreme Couponing and Bargains UKShe simply painted her handles to make them look freshFacebook/ Extreme Couponing and Bargains UK
And fellow group members were clearly impressed by her efforts with her post amassing over 2,300 likes and hundreds of comments from those praising her handiwork.
“This looks awesome, well done!” commented one with another adding “Wow, love it!!!”
A third wrote: “wow looks great looks like a brand new kitchen.”
Extreme Budget DIY & Life Hacks It comes just days after a woman showcased her own kitchen makeover[/caption]
The whole transformation cost nothing more than £28Extreme Budget DIY & Life Hacks
Equally impressed another said: “That looks 1million % better loads brighter and fresher!”
Posting incredible before-and-after pictures on Facebook group, Extreme Budget DIY & Life Hacks, she wrote: “I haven’t anywhere to show this off haha so thought I’d post here.”
She detailed how she achieved the new look, writing: “Still got a bit to do but repainted the walls, cupboards and used d-c fix for the surfaces for all just £28 next is the tiles and floor!
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Adding it was “hard work”, her post has been liked dozens of times by DIY enthusiasts.
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